If any candidates avails Lien leave for six months…..& the leave date as per MC resolution ends of 16th October (say) , now, if the candidate willing to rejoin the school…… So can he join on the nxt day means 18th October? & most importantly as his LIEN leave requirement was for higher study or higher prospects…… & his study ends or course completed…… So, is there any requirement to show any release letter from the study/training center……? I think not required….. However its very urgent….
Earlier on 1990, according to GO No. S/218 dt. 26-04-1990, an incumbent was allowed Leave on Lien for reasons of personal ground or serving elsewhere. But from 1994, an incumbent is allowed Leave on Lien only for serving an higher post in another recognized institution or college within West Bengal or to accept other service within West Bengal where teaching experience is essential as per GO No. 79-Edn. (s) Dated, Calcutta, the 28th Jan., ’94.
So, there is no provision for Leave on Lien for Higher Study now-a-days, I think. He/She has to take Extraordinary Leave/ Study Leave (Without Pay) as per GO No. 593-SE / ES/O/B/1M-98/2007 Date: 27.11.2007.
Secondly, if the incumbent was allowed such leave by the MC on the basis of his/her application, he/she was given NOC/Release Order to join the course of Study. Similarly, he/she is required to obtain Release Order form the Study/ Training Centre to join the post again.