In case of general transfer, a teacher may be released before completion of the month, in that case the old school will pay due salary for the entire month which is to be noted in the LPC and the new school will draw salary for the next month even he/she joins in the new school before expiry of previous month.
If one who wants to return his/ her salary by TR 7, then he / she filled the column no. 1. Name of the Bank and Branch ( where you want to deposit, near treasury) 2a. Name of the Treasury , 2b. Treasury Code 3. Account Code ( information of 2a,2b & 3 supplied by the treasury). 4. Detail Head of Account-2202-02-110-NP-001-V-31-70 (WITHOUT INTEREST OF EXTRA PAYMENT). 5a. Amount- Rs……….5b. (in words)……., 6 Name of the HM, School, Address., 8a. For extra Payment. At the place of depositors signature- for ( name of the teacher), signed and sealed by the HM.