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I must appreciate your findings of the facts from the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act.
Chapter II, Rule 4: This chapter describes about the Right to Free and Compulsory Education of Children. At the age of 11, a child who have not admitted earlier, has the right to ask special training. But our present infrastructure can not afford this facility. Here I think Govt. have kept option to open new system parallel to our existing education system which may serve children as Special Training / Methods. This is just a tier of protection for the right of children.
It is very hard to enrich a student within such time limit but few students may be exceptional.
Regarding transfer of a children new school should be strict to admit only after getting Transfer Certificate, then the action by those guardians can be avoided.
The Act came into force in 2009, where in Chapter II, Rule 6: Duty of State Govt. and Local Authority is fixed to establish schools within 3 (three) years. As per the Application procedures as laid down by the Central Govt, it is also mentioned that, “the Primary School should be located within a distance of 1 kM from the neighbourhood of habitable are. For High School it should be less than 1 kM.For other places in West Bengal the aforesaid distance shall not be more than 1 kM in case of Primary School and 2 kM in case of Upper Primary School.”. Is it possible that all over India this thing will be achieved by 2012? Let’s hope this new year 2012 gives our Govt. the strength to complete the mission.
Dear Sir, I was going through the discussions made by you. So many informations I got and enjoying. I also want to interfere here. Though 2009 is in the name of the act, this came into force in 1st April 2010.Though the act tells the education for the age gr.6-14 yrs but in W.B it is 5-14yrs and it became the rule by Govt of WB. The admission cannot be denied due to T.C. it is correct as directed in the act. Why does a student suffer to get his TC? Why punishment ll not be given for responsible employees?
Another one thing there is no such a method/ process by which a never enrolled 11yr aged child can achieve the competancy level of std VI with in a year. but for a 11 year child, 3 (14-11=3) year is still left to us to make reach him at his elimentary education stage such that he can fit himself in his future life as described in the definition of elementary education in the Act. Thank you.
Dear Mr. Rabi sir,
Thank you for your opinion . I shall be en-reach from these type participation. I leave at a rural area in Bankura District.I confess that, I have written something regarding this subject purely from my practical experience.Only 2 points are noted below for your kind consideration:-
1. Some of our students do not take T.C. from there existing school but they apply for admission to another school. They admit in a new school also as per rules without T.C. After 3 month his/her previous school treat as
a drop out student. Is not a problem sir ?
2. According to expert opinion Elementary education will complete within 8 year (Cl.-I to VIII)for general learner.How it possible to achieve our Goal within last 3 year in case of a never enrolled child ? I think they will be slow learner.some of our students are very irregular. Is it possible in a rural school in this infrastructure ?
Sir, our District is a literate District declared by our Hon’ble former Governor Mr. N. Hassan. But what is real position now? I will happy if they able to reach our goal with the help of the teachers to that place.
Future will say.I am awaiting now for the bright future. Thanks again.
Thank you. Actually RTE-2009 just came into force and naturally so many problems will be raised, I think gradually we can overcome all the drawbacks of our traditional system and we must reach the goal— in your language– we will see the bright future.Only we need some laborious and honest employees around us. Thank u again.