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I was working in Kalyani Municipality as a daily rated worker from 1995 without break.MY NAME IS ALSO PROPOSED IN THE LIST AGAINST ORDER NO. 9008-F(P) DATED 16.09.2011. I SHALL BE THANKFUL IF YOU KINDLY INFORM ME WHETHER MY CASE IS APPLICABLE UNDER THE ORDER NO. 4011-F(P) DATED 20.05.2013 OR NOT.
Ranjit Bhattacharjee.
Kalyani Municipality
I am appointed as Jeebika Sebak of Gram Panchayat ( Contractual ) under Purulia District , WB. Till now my working duration is Less then 10 years. So, is the last order, Finance Department Govt. Of WB No. 4011-F(P) Kolkata, the 20th May, 2013. (For contractual Group âC’ and âD’) APPLICABLE for me? I will wait for your quick reply.
I am working as a Jeebika Sebak ( Contractual ) Gram Panchayat under BRGF scheme. My joining date was 16/03/2010.i have submitted my document against the order of casual/ daily rated/contractual workers of various department published in 16/09/2011 memo no-9008-F(P).at that time we know by you that the order will applicable for us. But the recent order it clearly mentioned the previous order’s memo no & date the recent published order are same or the recent order also applicable for us please answer my opinion fluently.
I am working as GRS at Turka G.P. under Dantan -ll dev Block in the district Paschim Medinipur.I have joined on 2/09/2008 in my service.I would like to know whether the order that has been published on 20/05/13 and Memo no 4011-F(P) is applicable for me.
I am engaged in the post of JEEBIKA SEBAK Contractual in GRAM PANCHAYAT, is the Said order applicable for me. Please answer me ?
I’m also a data entry operator of Kumargram G.P. like to request the concern authority to do the need full in favour of casuals/ daily rated and contractual workers to allow appropriate emoluments as soon as possible. Hiratan Das (Kumargram G.P.)
West Bengal Services (Appointment, Probation and Confirmation) Rules,1979
No. 6060 F . CAL THE 25TH JUNE 1979
In exercise of the power conferred by the proviso to article 309 of the Constitution of India, and in supersession of all previous orders on the subject, the Governor is pleased hereby to make following rules :â
1.Short title and commencement
(1) These rules may be called the West Bengal Services (Appointment, Probation and Confirmation) Rules, 1979.
(2) They shall come into force with effect from the 1st June, 1979
2. Application
(1) These rules shall apply in cases of appointment on entry into Government service.
(2) Subject to the provisions of sub-rule (3) these rules shall apply to all persons who are whole-time employees of Government, including those who are paid out of contingencies or under work-charged head or who are paid on piece-rate basis but employed throughout the year
(3) These rules shall not apply to:
(a) Persons appointed on contract basis, or appointed otherwise than in accordance with recruitment rules.
(b) Part-time employees, casual labours, daily labours, muster-roll workers and seasonal labours.
(c) Employees of the Central Government or any other State Government who are on deputation to any Department of Government.
(d) Such other categories of persons as may be specified from time to time by Government by notification in the Official Gazette.
(e) The cases of appointment on promotion to higher posts and on appointment to selection grades
3. Definitions
In these rules, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context-
a) “Appointment on permanent basis” means substantive appointment with confirmation.
b) “Appointment on probation” means appointment on trial before confirmation;
b) Government means the Government of West Bengal;
c) “Probationer” means a Government employee appointed on probation;
d) “Temporary service” means service beginning from the date of appointment under Government till the date of appointment on probation or on permanent
(a) Shall be deemed to be on probation on completion of continuous temporary service for two years after his initial appointment in a post or service or cadre;
(b) Shall be confirmed and made permanent on satisfactory completion of the period of probation. Where passing of any departmental examination is essential before confirmation, the provisions of Chapter I of the Services (Training and Examination) Rules, West Bengal shall have to be complied with
6. Special provisions
(1) On the date on which those rules come into force, Government employees who have completed more than three years but less than five years’continuous service in a post, service or cadre on that date, either on a temporary or quasi-permanent basis, shall be deemed to have been appointed on probation with effect from the said date and the period of probation in such cases shall be six months.
(2) On the date on which these rules come into force,Government employees who have rendered more than five years’ continuous service on that date shall be deemed to have completed the prescribed period of probation. Where however, rules regulating the recruitment to any post or service or cadre require the passing of any academic, departmental or other examination before confirmation, these rules shall not be construed to relax such requirement.
(ai order ar modha VLE ra ki porba janala bhalo hoy..ar 4011-F(P) Kolkata, the 20th May, 2013 ai memo ta ki VLE RA PORBA pls janan_)
I am working as JEEBIKA SEVAK at Turka G.P. under Dantan -ll dev Block in the district Paschim Medinipur.I have joined on 01/02/2010 in my service.I would like to know whether the order that has been published on 20/05/13 and Memo no 4011-F(P) is applicable for me.Please answer me through the email ID – asispradhan.saipur@gmail.com .
I am working as VLE at Turka G.P. under Dantan -ll dev Block in the district Paschim Medinipur.I have joined on 31/01/2009 in my service.I would like to know whether the order that has been published on 20/05/13 and Memo no 4011-F(P) is applicable for me.
I am a contractual worker in community based primary health scheme in a municipality.The scheme is run by State Urban Development Agency (SUDA) under Municipal Affairs Department W.B. Wheather I shall be benefited by order no 9008-F (P) dated 16/9/2011 & order no 4011-F (P) dated 20/5/2013.