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Some of our fellow observers may be of opinion that govt bears the salaries etc of teachers of non govt aided schools ……. AND IT IS POLITICAL DECISION .
May be or may not be. …………. It is a different question.
But, there are three important points :
a) political decision
b) ‘point a’ implies that govt did not take its own decision
c) ‘points a & b’ imply that govt should not bear the salaries of the teachers of non govt aided schools
Friends, none of these three, I think, is true or acceptable in open mind.
I rather invoke to your good souls to come up with the gems of open hearted discussion over particular topics so that everyone may be thankful to each other.
No derailing, please.
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Some of our fellow observers may be of opinion that govt bears the salaries etc of teachers of non govt aided schools ……. AND IT IS POLITICAL DECISION .
It is not clear to me why the payment of salaries to the teachers of aided schools is a POLITICAL DECISION! There are many aided schools in other states where the State Govts. bear the same responsibility of the teachers.
It is not a political decision. Everything related to pay of a teacher is determined by G.O.s, circulars etc. There may be some confusion regarding fixation of pay for higher study / phD etc. but that is also subject to clarification by the Govt.
Dear Mr. Chakrabarty, why do you think its a political decision; is it because of many political parties make an issue with this?
সরকারি সব সিদ্ধান্তই একান্তভাবে সরকারের, তা রাজনৈতিক হতে যাবে কেন? তবে যেহেতু সরকার এক বা একাধিক রাজনৈতিক দলের সদস্যদের নিয়ে গঠিত, তাই সেই দল বা দলগুলোর মতাদর্শের প্রতিফলন সরকারি সিদ্ধান্তে দেখা যায়। আমাদের রাজ্যে ক্ষমতাসীন দল আর সরকারের মধ্যে খুব সূক্ষ্ম একটা ফারাক কদাচিৎ লক্ষ্য করা যায়। তাই যেকোন সরকারি সিদ্ধান্তকেই মনে হয় রাজনৈতিক সিদ্ধান্ত। আর এই ভাবনাটা বেশি করে দেখা যায় ক্ষমতাসীন দলের নিচু তলার কর্মীদের মধ্যে। আমাদের সরকার শিক্ষকদের মাইনে দেয়, অতএব শিক্ষককুল আমাদের সমর্থক হবে এবং শিক্ষা প্রতিষ্ঠানে আমাদের কর্তৃত্ব বজায় থাকবে – এই বদ্ধমূল ধারণার আশু পরিবর্তন হওয়া দরকার। কিছু কিছু শিক্ষকও আবার পছন্দের রাজনৈতিক দলকে খোলাখুলি সমর্থন করেন, এটাও ঠিক নয়। একজন শিক্ষকের একটা রাজনৈতিক পছন্দ-অপছন্দ থাকতেই পারে। তবে সেটা প্রকাশ্য উগ্রতায় মোটেই বাঞ্ছনীয় নয়। শিক্ষকতা এক অন্য মাত্রার চাকরি। নিরপেক্ষতা বজায় রাখাটা এখানে অবশ্য কর্তব্য।
আপাতত দুঃখিত। পরে এটাকে ইংরেজিতে অনুবাদ করে দেওয়ার চেষ্টা করব।
I don’t understand what is the problem if it is a political decision. Well let us call it a ‘POLICY DECISION’ if you are comfortable with that. But we all know govt develops policies based on the political agenda of the party in rule. One more thing politics is meant to serve the public if i am not wrong.
“‘point a’ implies that govt did not take its own decision”……. I don’t get this part.
“‘points a & b’ imply that govt should not bear the salaries of the teachers of non govt aided schools”…….. I think affectedly simple conclusion drawn. Govt may take over every institution, industry etc. under its direct jurisdiction and treat every employee as GOVT EMPLOYEE. The problem i think is with the basic economic structure of India. Don’t forget it was emerged as a mixed economy. Govt has to maintain the balance in the real scenario. Correct me if i am wrong.
What’s the wrong friends with the salary of teachers? If I am not wrong there are mainly three types of schools (with many sub type).
a. govt school (including govt sponsored)
b. govt. aided school (non-govt. aided school)
c. private school
govt and govt-aided schools are generalized as govt school as the teachers are employed by govt as well as the school is also run mainly from govt’s money.
So grossly to say the education system is run by govt and private enterprise.
Now as govt is to provide education to the children,govt has to pay salary to their teachers (as there is no income from the students payment).
Actually there is no difference between govt aided school in our states and govt school in other states in their function. But how much the salary will be, how it would be provided from where to generate/collect the fund is of course a political decision and that should also be in a democratic country. But unfortunately politics becomes narrower in its meaning and party-decisions replacing political decision. I mean now a minister is a party man first and then a political leader and then a minister. And whenever a minister be a minister for all the people, their decisions is being censored by party… the problem lies there as I get this matter.
With reference to some statistical data and historical background let me argue on the point that whether financial responsibilities for teachers of aided schools is a political decision or not.
Share of different management of schools in September, 2002.
From primary to higher secondary levels
State | Govt. (%) | Local Body (%) | Non-govt. aided (%) | Non-govt. unaided (%) |
Andhra Pradesh Assam Bihar Jharkhand Chhattisgarh Goa Gujarat Haryana H.P. Karnataka Kerala M.P. Maharashtra Orissa Punjab Tamil Nadu Tripura U.P. Uttaranchal West Bengal INDIA (28States+7UTs) |
9 77 99 93 90 69 2 74 92 77 36 78 2 89 93 11 96 56 78 0.6 51 |
73 20 0.2 0.4 0.1 0.2 68 0.8 1 0.4 1.4 1.5 69 2 0.6 59 0.8 11 0.8 85 28 |
4 3 0.7 5 2 24 14 2 0.7 9 56 2 20 3 2.5 18 2 7 3 14 8 |
14 0.3 0.5 1 8 6 15 23 6 14 6 18 9 6 4 12 1.6 26 18 0.3 13 |
Share of managements only at secondary & higher secondary levels in Sept. 2002
State | Govt. (%) | Local Body (%) | Non-govt. aided (%) | Non-govt. unaided (%) |
West Bengal (Total schools: 7685) INDIA (28States+7UTs) |
4.2 (Total 323) 34.3 |
11 (Total 839) 8.5 |
82.3 (Total 6355) 29.3 |
2.2 (Total 168) 28 |
(Source: Report on the 7th All India School Education Survey, National Council of Educational Research and Training, Govt. of India, the 14th November,2006)
There are non-govt. aided schools in all the States and UTs, for which the respective State/UT Govts. bear the responsibilities for pay & allowances of teachers and non-teaching staffs. It is indeed true that most of the States have aided schools less than those of WB. Therefore, it entails huge financial responsibilities on our State Govt. for such schools compared to many other States.
However, regular system of grants-in-aid policies for the non-govt. schools was introduced by the Britishers in year 1869 or even before, rendering them to become ‘aided’ schools. The scheme was introduced to integrate the indigenous schools into formal system. Thus, the non-govt. schools in receipt of grants-in-aid maintain parity with govt. schools in respect of curriculum, text books and qualifications of teachers, under the rules and regulations which follow the norms of the Govt. Therefore, in the perspective of historical background of the aided schools of our country responsibility of salaries for teachers & staffs of these schools is NOT a political decision. It is entirely a govt. policy which was initiated by the British Govt. in our country long before independence. WB is not at all an exception. It was also ruled by the Britishers who placed the non-govt. schools on grants-in-aid scheme and thus, converted them to aided schools to secure job of teachers & non-teaching staffs and education in the society. It is indeed true that a vast majority of teachers in WB belong to the aided schools, especially the teachers of secondary & H.S. schools 82% of which are in receipt of grants-in-aid. In contrast to the Govt. school teachers the aided school teachers have privilege of taking part in political contests from Panchayat to Parliamentary levels and thus, may avail of political gain. This is. of course, an added advantage to them although, excepting some aspects of service rules, their salaries and post retirement benefits are same as those of Govt. employees. The ground reality is that they have scope of enjoyment of such double benefits!
With regards.
Who does pay the salary of the teachers in govt. school? Is it not the govt (be it central or state)?
There are obviously scope for double benefit (in means of political scope) but how many of the teachers avail this or need it ? In contrast in the ground reality they have to suffer the mal-effect of it. But the teachers of govt. aided school do not get many benefit (e.g. EL, Health scheme, status of govt employee etc). Sorry if I am wrong. But exchange of opinions must go on. and I welcome comments on this even it is opposite to my one.
Dear Mr. B. Roy,
I fully agree with you. You are very correct. Getting salary from govt. does not make a person to be treated as a govt. servant. Salary for teachers of aided schools comes under grants-in-aid scheme which is a very old and traditional policy prevalent across the country. Their selection authority and appointing authority are different. Schools are managed by the private authority and maintained by the Govt. In the matter of ‘double benefit’, I used a word ‘scope’ to mean that whoever be able to utilize the scope of getting political portfolio he will surely enjoy its benefit. Such teachers are obviously very few in number. Yet they may emerge as key factors. This is not bad. I think, this is good in the sense that they may play vital role to resolve some issues in the interest of teacher community. There is good opportunity if it is utilized for academic interests also.
In the matter of nonavailability of the benefits of EL, LTC, Health Scheme etc. I have already mentioned in my previous post that “This is, of course, an added advantage to them although, excepting some aspects of service rules, their salaries and post retirement benefits are same as those of Govt. employees.” Whether govt. teachers can enjoy vacation! LTC – facility available only once in the entire service life of a State Govt. employee and, that too, on the verge of retirement! Perhaps it is not much charming at this stage of life! Yes, WBHS is now lucrative for govt. employees at this point of time. Time will say whether the benefit will be extended to the aided school teachers!
With regards.
@donyi_polo, extremely sorry for late participation in this topic.
1. I wish to think another way. The teachers are huge in numbers than any other class /category of employee. The schools are situated across different demographic regions i.e in villages and towns. The schools situated in rural areas are many many more than those of schools of towns/semi-towns. Thus more no of teachers have to work in rural bengals where teachers words till now well-respected. That is why if some one could bring this large teaching community under his/her umbrella, he/she could surely pocket a huge no of votes. If you count their followers, then the figure(no of votes) become more significant. So no Govt. dare to irritate the NETAS of this community. So the govt. and NETAS altogether try to let the problem persists for ever.
2. All govt. speaks about their efforts to spread education among all community of people. We all keep our the most priority topic/matter/issue under our direct control or in front of eye, the Govt.(if so eager to spread education)why keep this sector as an aided- sector.