
Sanctioning authority in Finance deptt for WBHS

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    Pay & Accounts has objected to my bill under WBHS as it was signed by the asst secretary finance rather than the secretary as prescribed under clause 13 of WBHS. I understand that there is an internal GO in Finance Deptt where designation of appropriate sanctioning authority has been delegated according to the quantum of bill amount.
    Will anyone kindly post such GO?


    I presume, you are working in Finance Department as direct recruit. if It is so, then, The Asst. Secretary is your DDO, but your medical reimbursement “order” should be signed by the Secretary. The “bill” made on the basis of such “order” may be signed by DDO (your Asst. Secy.).


    Usually the secreary gives approval in the note sheet of the file & asst. Secreary or joint secretary sign such order but The order should contains a line ” the order issued with the approval of secrerary”

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