I am technical asst. of Uttarpara Jaikrishna Public Library ( “A” grade Library of Govt. of WB). My post is equivalent to the post of asstt. librarian of that library as per ROPA 1998. Asst. Librarian is getting scale no 11 as he posses master degree from the time of his joining, but surprisingly technical asst. is getting scale 10 in spite of possessing master’s degree from the time of her joining. ROPA 2009 also supported this fact of equivalency.How can i get the higher scale at per my higher qualification. Meanwhile the asst. librarian is getting scale no 12 as per recommendation of Pay Commission.Though the order has been released by his name, not by the post.
So ,I badly need supporting documents like ROPA 1998 end others as i’ve completed 8yrs of service. Please help me as soon as possible so that it will help in determination the CAS benefit.