
Seeking information about nsou special b.ed. odl

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    I am a high school teacher. I have completed two years of service. Is odl special b.ed. of netaji subhash open university(nsou) equivalent to regular b.ed./ normal b.ed. course?


    Now ODL is stopped. In this matter, to solve of your question is difficult. Till date there is nothing about it. When the advertisement of HM will appear, then we can get the answer.


    our friend mihiracharya is quite right. ODL B.ed(recognized by NCTE) course through NSOU is stopped but ODL B.ed (spl. ed) [recognized by RCI] is running as usual. in answer to A_Mallik, if the D.I. has approval for admission in this course (some D.I. denies to give approval but it there is no bar to give approval) it can be effective for increment. Now the last notification of westbengal school service commission spl. be.ed was not listed but there is MOU between NCTE and RCI so, there is a strong ground for advocacy of equivalence of these two courses. However, central govt. and many state govt. gives preference to spl. b.ed.
    N.B. the institution (study center of NSOU) must be recognized for the specific course for the specific year.

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