After the retirement of HM of a school, what is the selection procedure of T.I.C. If the school has a AHM or no AHM. I did not find any G.O regarding the TIC selection procedure on the Manual. Please advice me in this regard.
In absence of HM, AHM should act as the T.I.C. In absence of A.H.M, the senior most teacher should act as the T.I.C, but in this case the decision of M.C is final.
If the senior most teacher refuses to take charge, the senior teacher next to him may take the charge. If none is ready to take charge, all the approved teachers may be given charge alternatively with at least for one years span on the basis of seniority. But ultimately MC and Staff Council have to decide all this.
Facing the same problem… None of the approved teachers in my school are willing to take charge. Am I supposed to continue like this for innumerable years? What steps/actions can I take can anybody please elaborate? The S.I of our block is unwilling to put his foot in this matter, and has said to me to make a teacher agree then only he can solve the issue! strange!
I guess it’s time to go hard this tym. You’re right. It’s been more than three years and counting. Don’t I have a life/problems/family/distance to travel like them? I shall do it within this month.