
Service Status of Distt. Court Employee

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    I ve few queries regarding distt.Court employee. Whether the nature of service of distt. court employee is same as State govt. employee? What is the transfer policy of distt. court employee specially outside distt. transfer is admissible or not?& few new districts are being formed by separating some subdivisions then Whether the sub-divisional court employee will be allowed to get transfer to parent district or not? 3.And if any separate service rule/leave rule for Distt. court employee then also please share here…Thank u in advance.


    Whether the nature of service of distt. court employee is same as State govt. employee?

    Not at all.

    What is the transfer policy of distt. court employee specially outside distt. transfer is admissible or not

    The Controlling Officer/Appointing authority, Ld. District Judge, can transfer an employee under his control to any Place under the District. If any employee wants transfer out of the District, he or she may apply to the Hon’ble High Court, Calcutta (As far as I know/ heard) for mutual transfer with another employee preferably same cadre. I dont know about normal transfer to another district.

    few new districts are being formed by separating some subdivisions then Whether the sub-divisional court employee will be allowed to get transfer to parent district or not?

    I think so. An option should be asked for from the employees for choosing their District or the same may be considered as per their Home station.

    And if any separate service rule/leave rule for Distt. court employee then also please share here.

    There is no separate Service or Leave rule. Actually the W.B.S.R. is applicable also for the District Court employees and the duties relates with C.R.O. (Civil Rules and Orders) & C.R.R.O. ( Criminal Rules and Orders) and the leave rule is same expecting few things as mentioned below:-
    The Holidays are not available on 1st, 3rd and if their is a 5th Saturday.
    There is no Special Casual Leave is applicable for the employees. (Best from my knowledge, need to be confirmed)
    The total number of Earned Leave is 15 in a calender Year as its a vacation department.
    There are two vacations are available. The Puja vacation for over 1 month for Civil Courts (Mahalaya to Bhai Phonta) less than a month for Criminal Courts (Saptami to Kali Puja), The winter vacation for a fortnight for the Civil Courts only.


    Thanks Som Da Can you please tell me what is the initial salary of LDA for new entrant?


    Grade Pay Rs. 2600/-
    Pay in the Pay Band Rs. 6240/-
    Total= Rs. 8840/-
    Plus one increment @ 3% as per recommendation of the Shetty Commission= Rs. 270/-
    Starting Basic = Rs. 8840+270=Rs.9,910/- = Rs.9,110/-
    Special allowance of Rs. 100/- if posted in a Record room.
    I have highlighted the relevant portion in the attached file.


    Thanks Som da once again


    Som da, There is one calculative error i.e 8840+270= 9110 in place of 9910.


    Yes. You are right. Sorry for the error.

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