Thanks ,Trans. All. means Transport Allowance which has been shown in your excel utility under Other Allowance head and shown in Col. as T.A. and it can be option either exempted from salary. However, if we take exempted option, it will remove full amount of Transport Allowance (T.A.). But it actually exempted up to certain limit as stated earlier i.e. Trans. All. maximum exempted for Rs. 800/- for the F.Y. 2014-15 total for the F.Y. Rs. 9,800/-. Exempted and Trans. All. for the F.Y. 2015-16 will be exempted for Rs. 1,600/- P.M. total Rs. 19,200/- after acceptance in Union Budget. Also, the Trans. All. to Physically Handicapped Person will be double amount as against normal person and same way the exemption will also be double as per the I.T. Act, Therefore, please confirm before making changes..
Thanking you anticipation,