If joining date is 08/09/2008 and he is untrained teacher. He will complete B.Ed degree on December, 2014. Last exam date of B.Ed is 01/12/2014.
Will he get increment on 01/07/2014? if no or yes (why?)
If no, When he will get increment and next increment?
increment will stop from 1.7.2013 if no further G.O is issued. No. of increments exceeds 4 and it is relaxed upto 2012(G.O No. 759-SE(S)/2P-1/09 Dated: Kolkata. The 30th July 2009). increment will again starts from 1.7.2015( if passed B.Ed)
According to H.M.manual increment will stop if time of teaching exceeds 5years in case of untrained teachers.But you are suggesting that it will stop after four increments.Then plz share me the G.O.PLS share the G.O. because there are so many teachers
who enjoyed four increments but their teaching experience doesn’t exceeds 5 years.So everyone is confused about their
increments.pls help us by sharing the G.O.
Who has joined on or before 01-01-2009,he/she not entitled for his/her increment on 01-07-2013. But if the appointment date fall in 02-01-2009,will be allowed an increment on 01-07-2013.
With thanks.
Mirror Link: https://wbxpress.com/increment-of-untrained-assistant-teachers/
My joining date is 20/11/2001 … I’ve now more than 10 years experience … Do I still need to be trained in order to availing increments ? Please mention the G.O. if any …
I got an post facto appointment in the year 2002 through court case but my service effects from 1st May 2000. My increment stop untill 2009 I completed my B.ed course. My school could not send me for B.ed college as we are 5 teacher who got same kind of appointment that time our school was Jr.High school so above order of governor apply on me pleasr help sir