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Re: higher education permission
Yes, it is harsh but true. As per Board’s No. 8417/G dated 07.11.1981, Except Casual Leave, no other leave is admissible to a teacher or a non-teaching employee of a school appointed in the additional post (sanctioned for two years), till the said post is declared as permanent by the competent authority.
After getting permanent, leave will be credited in your account for the temporary period also. (Reference: Memo No. S/435 dated 06.06.2001)
Can we discuss about the para 4 of the said G.O? No such employee can apply for higher study who joined the service having Graduate Degree. Is it stands after reading the whole matter?
Rule 4 of the said G.O. No. 593-SE/ES/O/B/1M-98/2007 Date: 27.11.2007 ( https://wbxpress.com/topic/g-o-for-higher-studies-of-teachers/ ) is applicable for Graduate Teacher applying for higher studies; in such case permission will not be granted.
As per rule 8 of the said order, permission is not even granted to the Hons/PG teacher of Junior High School.
We should protest this kind of policy. What can we do is to draw kind attention of the Govt. Let all the members of this community get together to oppose this kind of order. I would like to request all the members to put their comments regarding the matter and lets see what can we do by accumulating our power.
As per rule 8 of the said order, permission is not even granted to the Hons/PG teacher of Junior High School.
It said junior high school or any school….it contradicts the whole order.
Rule 8 restricts Higher Study for the Teachers whose age is over 50 years. No matter he is a teacher of Junior high or other high.
8. Henceforth no permission will be accorded for securing higher qualification for obtaining higher scale of pay to any Assistant Teacher and / or to any Assistant Teacher over 50 years of age serving in any junior high school or any school respectively.
No no.
As per the above rule, permission is restricted to any Asstt teacher of junior high school, and or asstt. teacher of more than 50 years of age of any school.
Isn’t it?
Please note the word ‘respectively’.
As per rule 8 of the said order, permission is not even granted to the Hons/PG teacher of Junior High School.
It said junior high school or any school….it contradicts the whole order.
It do not contradict. The word ‘any school’ is applicable for teachers of more than 50 years age.
Can u discuss the rule : 2. The applicant teacher thereafter, will, if necessary, apply for leave / special leave / study leave as the case may be (along with the resolution of the Managing Committee) to the West Bengal Board of Secondary Education (which is the Competent Authority in this case) through the Managing Committee of the Schools.