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As a Central Govt. employee I subscribe regularly for availing of the benefits under Central Govt. Health Scheme (CGHS) and, the amount is deducted from my salary every month by showing it under the head “Deduction” in my pay slip. My wife is a teacher in aided school and, was earlier in receipt of regular Medical Allowance as part of her salary from the State Govt, even after marriage. However, in anticipation of availing of better medical benefits from the Central Govt. she relinquished that regular Medical Allowance from the school and, got her name enrolled as beneficiary of CGHS. There is no mention of such deduction in her Pay Certificate after discontinuance of regular Medical Allowance in school!. My office continues to deduct the same amount (@ 325/- p.m.) as subscription as before, even after inclusion of the name of my wife in the list of beneficiaries of CGHS.
(1) I can’t understand to whom my wife is paying subscription/ premium for CGHS after forgoing the Medical Allowance in her school – whether to the Sate Govt. or to the Central Govt?
(2) What is the rate of subscription – whether @ 300/- p.m. (present fixed Monthly Allowance for a teacher) or @ 325/- p.m. (my monthly subscription for CGHS)?
(3) Why is the Medical Allowance forgone by her not shown as an deducted amount in her Pay Certificate?
Friends pls help me get the answers!
Dr Majumdar wrote:
(1) I can’t understand to whom my wife is paying subscription/ premium for CGHS after forgoing the Medical Allowance in her school – whether to the State Govt. or to the Central Govt?
(2) What is the rate of subscription – whether @ 300/- p.m. (present fixed Monthly Allowance for a teacher) or @ 325/- p.m. (my monthly subscription for CGHS)?
(3) Why is the Medical Allowance forgone by her not shown as a deducted amount in her Pay Certificate?
*A teacher may forego his/her M.A. at her own wish to get better benefits elsewhere, but that doesn’t mean that he/she is paying any subscription to anybody. No question of any subscription.
**If a teacher doesn’t declare anything related to M.A. the school authority will pay him/her the M.A. (This is a different issue in regard to HRA where the authority is responsible to look that an employee under Govt of W.B. & his/her spouse together do not take away home an amount more than Rs. 6000/-).
***No one has compelled him/her to forego the M.A. thus it is not a case of deducting M.A. Thus why will it be shown as a deduction in the pay slip? M.A. is not being issued against his/her name as per her declaration.
Happy Bijoya,
Dear Mr. Banerjee,
I appreciate you for your valuable comments! It will immensely help us to remove some confusions of the provisions of the State/ Central Govt. Health Schemes which sometimes vary in nature. Thank you.
With regards.