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Please supply the Go no.4652 F dated 18.06.07 regarding the subsistence allowance under suspension.
This is very important enquiry. central government employees S.A during suspension has been revised and fixed as 75%. Is the required G.O of same nature? I feel that the contents of the G.O must be made available to all the employees to know their rights.
No. 4652-F, Kolkata the 18th June, 2007
A question has been raised from different quarters as to what will be the quantum of dearness allowance admissible to a Government employee placed under suspension in terms of rule 71 of the WBSR – I and whether merger of 50% of the subsistence allowance paid to the employee under suspension will be done for computing the amount of dearness allowance with effect from 1st April, 2007 on the analogy of F. D. Memo. No. 2415-F dated 27.3.07 read with No. 2416-F dated 27.3.07.
After careful consideration of the matter, the undersigned is directed by order of the Governor to say that since subsistence allowance will be equal to the leave salary which the Government employee would have drawn if he had been on half-pay. the rate of dearness allowance will be on such amount of subsistence allowance and if the subsistence allowance is increased or decreased, as the case may be, under clauses (i) or (ii) of sub-rule (1) of rule 71 of the WBSR – l the rate of dearness allowance will be based on the increased or decreased amount of such subsistence allowance.
The undersigned is further directed to say that with effect from 1st April, 2007, for the purpose of computing dearness allowance on the amount of subsistence allowance admissible to a Government employee under suspension, 50% of the amount of subsistence allowance will be merged with the admissible subsistence allowance and dearness allowance will be paid at the rate as admissible under F D. Memo. No. 2416-F dated 27.3.07 taking into account the amount of subsistence allowance and 50% of the said amount taken together.
Sd/- P. K. Dasgupta
O. S. D. & ex-officio Special Secretary of the
Government of West Bengal, Finance Department.
As the above G.O No.4652- F dated 18.06.07 is about the subsistance allowance admissible to an employee during suspension and is linked with the reference of another 2 G.Os bearing Nos.F. D. Memo. No. 2415-F dated 27.3.07 and No. 2416-F dated 27.3.07, I would request the Hon’ble memebrs to post the same on this site so that the matter is understood in its entirety. This is very useful G.O for the persons under suspension.
Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch
No. 2415-F, Kolkata, the 27th March, 2007
Sub: Merger of 50% of Dearness Allowance/Dearness relief with Basic Pay/pension to the State Government Employee /Pensioners w.e.f. April 1, 2007.
The Governor has been pleased to decide that with effect from April 1, 2007 Dearness Allowance equal to 50% of the existing basic pay shall be merged with basic pay and shown distinctly as Dearness Pay (D.P.) which would be counted for the purpose of payment of Dearness Allowance. No other allowance will be admissible on Dearness pay. In case of existing pensioners, Dearness Relief equal to 50% of the basic pension shall, with effect from April 1, 2007, be merged with pension and shown distinctly as Dearness Pension. Dearness Allowance/ Dearness Relief converted into Dearness Pay/ Dearness Pension respective would be deducted from the existing rate of Dearness Allowance/ Dearness Relief.
The benefit of merger of 50% of Dearness Allowance/Dearness Relief with basic pay/pension, as mentioned above, shall also be allowed to the teachers and non-teaching employees of non-govt. educational Institution, employees of the said Institutions, Local Bodies etc. Which effect from April 1, 2007 on the same terms and conditions.
Sd/- P.K. Dasgupta
OSD & Ex-Officio Special Secretary
to the Govt. of West Bengal, Finance Department
Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch
No. 2416-F, Kolkata, the 27th March, 2007
Subject : Grant of Dearness Allowance to the State Government Employees and further ad-hoc increase in the wages of daily rated workers under the Govt. w.e.f. 01.04.2007.
The State Government employees are in receipt of Dearness Allowance @ 71% of pay with effect from January 01, 2007.
2. Dearness Allowance equal to 50% of basic pay has already been merged with basic pay for the purpose of payment of Dearness Allowance only with effect from the April 01, 2007 in terms of Finance Deptt. Memo No. 2415-F, dt. 27.03.2007.
3. The Governor is now pleased to decide that the whole time State Government employees drawing pay upto 26,000/- p.m. shall draw Dearness Allowance @ 24% w.e.f. April 01, 2007. The calculation of Dearness Allowance shall be made taking into account the basic pay drawn in the prescribed scales of pay including stagnation increments & N.P.A., if any, and Dearness pay as introduced in Finance Department Memo No. 2415-F, dt. 27.03.2007.
4. The Dearness Allowance sanctioned above shall be rounded off to the nearest rupee in each case.
5. The Governor has also been pleased to decide that the daily rated workers under the Government whose wages are not regulated by any statutory provisions like the Minimum Wages Act etc., there will be a further ad-hoc increase in their existing daily rate of wages by Rs. 10/- (Rupees ten) only with effect from April 01, 2007.
Sd/- P. K. Dasgupta
O. S. D. & ex-officio Special Secretary of the
Government of West Bengal, Finance Department.
The language used in the Memorandums by the Government is twisted and confusing. I am also a little weak in mathemetical calculations. I would request the Hon’ble members to kindly post their calculated views about the quantum of subsistence allowance which an employee under suspension is entitled to get. I would also like to know whether S.A means the half of the basic pay, full grade pay and full D.A or the half of the basic pay,half of the grade pay and half of the prevailing dearness allowance and other misc.allowances which was admissible to the suspended employee when he was not under suspension. Kindly confirm in simple language.