Thank you for providing the G.O. Now, tell me whether ‘teachers’ refers to the ATs ,or HMs, or all. Even if the teachers attend schools, will they have to remain at their schools till 4.30 pm?
“Teachers” here obviously means all the teachers (ATs) including HM. And as far as duration of stay at school during this period is concerned, you are supposed to stay there till the end of school hour. But as the classes will remain suspended, there will almost be nothing to do for an AT. So it depends upon the decision of the HM. Naturally, it will vary from school to school.
Today WBBSE has taken off the ” Teacher will attend…” notice by amending a New Notification regarding the Suspension of classes. The Memo Ni 331-SSE/14 dt 14/6/14.Only the school will have to be open for class XI admission.