If there is double payment of any premium amount of a particular month/quarter at two different LIC offices under different zones due to malfunctioning of Main Area Network and, if the extra amount is not reimbursed in that particular Financial Year whether tax benefit can be claimed on that additional amount!
I think yes.
Agree with Nemo. As there is no bar in section 80C and there is a limitation of deduction.
Thank you. I also think so.
It is my case when I was under obligation to make double payment in June 2003 at non-home branch as entire MAN (Machine Area Network) in the jurisdiction of KSDO zone (at the control of my home home branch) became paralysed for few days. I paid premium of 4 policies for quarter April-June,2003 at a non-home branch in Kolkata under KMDO zone and got receipts as usual. While making payment of premium of the next quarter (July-Sept,2003) in Oct.2003 (Grace period) at home branch I was surprised to know that the record of previous payment had not been received by KSDO zone from KMDO zone due to MAN failure (!) and, thus I was bound to clear premiums of April-June, 2003 which have fallen due (!) at the home branch operative under KSDO. I also paid fine for late submission as the previous receipts were not accepted by the home branch as compelling evidences of payment!! They relied on the MAN record and not the receipts! So, double payment for the quarter April-June,2003. Anyway the problem was solved in year 2005 when I referred the matter to the Regional Manager who forwarded the same to their Mumbai HQ. Excess amount and the fine were refunded to me along with an letter of apology! However, my office refused to allow tax benefit on the extra premium! But, I still think that the benefit should have been given to me as the extra amount was lying with LICI during that FY 2003-04 and could have been treated as “Savings”. If any doubt was there in the application of IT rule u/s 80C, I could have been allowed the benefit of doubt.
I also agree with Friend Som & nemo. It is one kind of deposit for that respective F.Y. in a prescribe Tax relief Section. Thanks.
Dear Dr Majumder,
I like to advise you to register your policies at Through that site one can pay the premium of policies through netbanking or by Debit/Credit Card after registering the policies. It will also give you details information of your policies. In this site you can find that subscribers can pay “Additional (Topup) premium of a policy. From the site one can get the premium paid receipt through registered e-mail address or through the site itself. It can deliver the premium paid certificate of a particular policy paid in a financial year. It used to deliver the total premium paid by a parson for all the policies in a particular financial year. Both the certificates can be used for Income Tax purpose.
Dear friend,
Thank you very much for suggestion.
In fact, all the policies were registered with LICI for online payment about 2 years ago. I make online payment of premiums.
With regards.