
West Bengal Health Scheme, 2008

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    WBXPress Team

    I am to join foreign service (a corporation substantially financed by govt) on deputation. Can I claim outstanding 50% of the 3rd instalment before getting release from the govt office?


    currently i am working as assistant teacher in a govt aided school , recruited by wbssc , am i eligible for west bengal health scheme. if yes then how do i enrolled. if not then, is there any govt medical facility for us.


    Dr has provided with an estimate of Rs100000 for ventral hernia repair, including disposal amounting to Rs57000. will u inform me about the amount reimbursable?


    Medical advance was sanctioned in my favour under WBHS 2008. But now, how should I refund the excess amount according to Govt. norms. Please guide me immediately. Thanking you,


    a patient having nerve problem has been submitting bills for OPD treatment on monthly basis. is he allowed to get it be reimbursed all the bills or allowed only for the first one?pl advice.


    I am a state government employee posted in Purulia have a grievance regarding West Bengal Health Scheme 2008. Sir, I am covered by the West Bengal Health Scheme 2008. I need to regularly do medical check-ups of my wife in different empanelled private hospitals under the scheme. I have received reimbursements for such OPD check-ups before as well.

    But, on the last occasion an objection was given on my reimbursement form by Purulia’s Treasury Officer and it was again put on stand the second time, even after I sent all the requisite documents and orders. The objection was given as : OPD Treatment should not be allowed as per order no. 10539 F[MED] dated 21/11/11 finance department by the Treasury Officer, Mr. Madhu Sudan Naskar.

    But the said order is for non-empanelled hospitals only. But I did my wife’s check-up in Desun Hospital, Kolkata which is an empanelled hospital under West Bengal Health Scheme 2008. Desun Hospital’s empanelled code is: 0411001.

    Thus, I am eligible for reimbursement as Desun Hospital is an empanelled hospital. Further Sir, the following link of the Order No 10539-F[MED] dated 21/11/11 gives a clear picture that the order is for non-empanelled hospitals only:


    insulin dependent diabetes patient, heart disease(bye-pass surgery done) patient,neurological patients ——have been submitting bills(for OPD treatment) for every month, the concerned medical institutions are also countersigning the bills in form D1,——————are all of the bills allowable to be passed for payment? pl advice early because the concerned employees are pressing hard for the same.


    My son became hospitalized on 22nd January 2012 for his treatment in Apollo Glenagles Hospital, but at that time he was 7+ months age having without WB health card. How my son will get benefit ? I am a WB Health card Holder.


    Pse let me know the the clear list of OPD diseases come under wb Health scheme,2008. What type of diseases covered by sl. no. XI listed in form D1

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