I am a group ‘D'(cook) in the kolkata police hospital,I am a Madhaymik pass(include in the service book)at the time appintment in my job.
How can I get a promosion at Group ‘c'(suce as LDC/LDA.etc.
Dear Sir,
I am a Group D Service holder under Directorate of Handloom & Textiles , Spinning Mills etc. Dept. I passed B-Com & also have a computer DTP , 6 months certificate. So how to promote me to group -C .
I am applicable for departmental Exam please advice me.
Is there any information about stay order of
Calcutta high court on recruitment procedure of
group D post in cinchona directorate , mungpoo.
Why candidates from outside plantation are not consider for g D post.
I am a group “D’ service holder of education Department.&also O. B. C. I passed BA & also have a computer DTP , 6 months certificate. So how to promote me to group -C .
I am applicable for departmental Exam please advice me.
my date of birth is 23/11/1971