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Benign Sir,
I was an Assistant Teacher of DPSC,Purba Medinipur from13/02/2002 to 28/10/2009.After giving intimation Letter to Chairman DPSC,through the sub-instector of schools,Digha circle,I was appeared in westbengalssc. Submitting my resignation letter on dated 28/10/2009 i have joined in a High School on dated 29/10/2009.So, my question is what kind of paper’s i have to submit in presence of Authority for the continuation of my service.Final PF cheque has been issued against my name.Have i to deposit the cheque for the continuation of my service? If i submit the the cheque ., then what is the procecess.Please help me.
Re: What are the relevant paper’s for continuation of servic
Continuity of service benefits in new job is generally permitted if:
(1) Application for new service is routed through proper channel or submitted with N.O.C. from the employer/competent authority as the case may be.
(2) Upon selection to the new post and receipt of appointment order the person concerned tenders resignation (appropriate term “technical resignation”) to his present employer, seeking relief of duty to join new service.
(3) The authority has to accept the resignation and relieve the employee for new service.
(4) The matter of acceptance of resigantion in old office should invariably be recorded (by previous employer) in Service Book which should be transferred to the new employer along with last pay certificate.
(5) The new employer has to appoint the employee and allow the benefit of past service on being satisfied with the documents made available to him by previous employer.
Documents required: Up-to-date Service Book along with previous appointment order, approval of D.I., previous pay fixation order etc. and LPC
With regards.
Re: What are the relevant paper’s for continuation of servic
Simplified procedure for transfer of PF: pls apply to the authority of previous school along with copy of new approval of appointment and PF transfer Form (duly filled in) after joining the new school. Get the PF cheque and a copy of memo issued by former D.I. from previous school and, deposit the cheque in your own bank a/c. Apply to the authority of new school along with that memo and TR Forms (4 nos.) to refer your case to the new D.I. for approval for deposition of the PF money to new treasury. Upon receipt of approval from new D.I. in the form of endorsement in TR forms (all 4 copies to be returned to you) issue a cheque amounting to PF amount from your a/c to treasury and submit TR forms. Treasury will return one copy of the form to you after acknowledgement.
Detailed guidelines may be available from D.I. office. With regards.