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My wife was appointed in 1996 as an Hons(Geography) Graduate Teacher . Then she completed the Masters Degree
in History (another subject of Social Science) with prior intimation and approval of MC and DI ON 2003.
At 2003 she applied for higher scale (Masters Degree) through MC to DI but yet to get any response officially
though unofficially the prayer has been denied.
Now my question is whether she is eligible to get the required Master Degree Scale ?
…….. appointed in 1996 as an Hons(Geography) Graduate Teacher . Then she completed the Masters Degree
in History (another subject of Social Science) with prior intimation and approval of MC and DI ON 2003.
………… whether she is eligible to get the required Master Degree Scale ?
She joined with Hons. degree in Geography but did M.A. in History which is neither the continuation of Hons. subject nor does it pertain to her teaching post in school. She is supposed to take Geography classes in school on regular basis. That’s why, I think, she is not eligible for higher scale. Probably she got permission ONLY for enhancement of qualification and NOT for financial gain.
Now my question: Why did she seek approval from D.I. and not only from M.C.? Can you pls show any G.O. which made D.I.’s permission mandatory that time (year 2003)!
With regards.
She takes not only Geography Classes but also History Classes in her School. Permission from D.I. was necessary to avail the leave at the time of Exam. and for demanding higher Scale afterwards.
It’s quite common that Geography teachers take History classes also because they are appointed in Social Science Group. The essence of the rule is that P.G. degree is supposed to be obtained in a subject which was taken as Hons. subject at Graduation Level. Upgradation of qualification in the same subject. Why has the benefit been unofficially denied by D.I.? Have you heard anything?
Pls go through the following cases where the teachers acquired P.G. degree in a subject which is different from Hons. subject.
CASE – 1
Calcutta High Court
Kush Chandra Barman vs The State Of West Bengal & Ors on 4 May, 2012
Author: Jyotirmay Bhattacharya
W. P. No. 1369 of 2005
Heard on: 14-01-2012.
Judgment On: May 4, 2012.
The petitioner is an Assistant Teacher of Boro Balaram Lal Behari Vidyamandir, Burdwan. He was appointed as an Assistant Teacher in Social Science Group on 23rd March, 1993 as a Pass Graduate with Geography. Subsequently, he passed M.A. examination in History through correspondence course from the University of Burdwan in 1997. His prayer for higher scale of pay for his enhanced qualification was rejected by the District Inspector of Schools (S.E.), Burdwan, on 18th May, 2005. The said order of the District Inspector of Schools, which is appearing at page 35 of the writ petition, is under challenge in this application at the instance of the said Assistant Teacher.
The District Inspector of Schools held that higher scale of pay cannot be granted to the petitioner as he did not improve his qualification after taking prior permission from the school authority. The District Inspector of Schools also held that since the school authority did not allow the petitioner to take classes in History with the approval of the concerned District Inspector of Schools, he is not entitled to get higher scale of pay for his enhanced qualification in non-relevant subject. The District Inspector of Schools also held that staff pattern of the school does not justify grant of higher scale of pay to the petitioner for his enhanced qualification. He further elaborated this ground of rejection by pointing out that the total number of sectioned post in Social Science Group in the said school is four and presently four Assistant Teachers are working in Social Science Group in the said school. He recorded in the order that out of those four teachers two teachers namely, Sunita Roy, M.A. in History, B.Ed. and Sandip Deyase, M.A. in Geography, B.Ed. are enjoying Post Graduated scale of pay and the other two teachers namely, Shyma Prasad Das, B.A. with History and Kush Chandra Barman (Petitioner), B.A. with Geography are enjoying Pass Graduate scale of pay. He further mentioned that in addition to the aforesaid staff strength in Social Science Group one Srikanta Dey, a teacher of Work Education and Physical Education Group is also enjoying higher scale of pay for his P.G. Degree in History.
Under such circumstances, the petitioner’s prayer for higher scale of pay for his Post Graduate qualification was rejected by the said District Inspector of Schools.
Let me now consider as to how far the said District Inspector of Schools was justified in rejecting the petitioner’s prayer for higher scale of pay for his enhanced qualification, in the facts of the instant case.
Since the petitioner enhanced his qualification through correspondence course in 1997 by enrolling himself as a candidate in the said course in 1996, this Court is of the view that he was not required to take prior permission from the school authority for enhancing his educational qualification through correspondence course as per the Government Order dated 26th June, 1997 as the said Government order did not see the light of the day when the petitioner got himself enrolled in the said correspondence course.
The petitioner’s right to get higher scale of pay for his enhanced qualification, in my view, is governed by the provisions contained in Rule 12(3) of ROPA 1998. Rule 12(3) of ROPA 1998 is set out hereunder:
“12(3): All teachers, including Physical Education Teachers and Librarians of Secondary Schools who have improved/we improved their qualification or who were appointed with higher qualification in the subjects or group relevant to their teaching/appointment shall get higher scale of pay appropriate to their qualification, with effect from the 1st January, 1996 or the date of improving qualification, whichever is latter, provided that such higher qualified teachers in the relevant subject or group is justified as per approved staff pattern of that school. If such teacher is appointed through School Service Commission, his/her pay will be fixed in the scale of pay as per his/her qualification mentioned by the West Bengal School Service Commission.” Since the petitioner was appointed as an Assistant Teacher in the said school in 1993 prior to the School Service Commission Act came into effect, the last part of the said provision of Rule 12(3) of ROPA 1998 is not attracted in the instant case. Undisputedly, the petitioner enhanced his educational qualification by acquiring Master Degree in History which is relevant to his teaching group. As such he is entitled to get higher scale of pay for his enhanced educational qualification provided such higher qualified teacher in the relevant subject or group is justified as per approved staff pattern of that school. The said District Inspector of Schools held that grant of higher scale of pay to the petitioner was not justified as per the staff pattern of the said school as out of four teachers in the said Group two teachers are already enjoying post graduate scale of pay in addition to the another teacher of Work Education & Physical Education Group viz. Srikanta Dey who is also enjoying higher scale of pay for his post Graduate Degree in history. If that be the correct position of fact then no interference with impugned order is needed in the facts of the instant case. But the petitioner herein, by affirming an affidavit, stated in the writ petition that out of those two Assistant Teachers one, namely, Sandip Deyase, M.A. in Geography, B.Ed. left this school after tendering his resignation, before passing the impugned order. Despite direction was given for filing affidavit in this matter, the State respondents have not filed any affidavit. Thus, the claim of the petitioner to the effect that Sri Sandip Deyase left the school after tendering resignation before the impugned order was passed by the District Inspector of Schools, remains uncontroverted by the State respondents. Since the said fact was not brought to the notice of the District Inspector of Schools, the said District Inspector of Schools could not consider the said fact while passing the impugned order.
Thus, if the said fact of leaving the school by Sandip Deyase after tendering resignation is true and correct then the petitioner’s claim for higher scale of pay for his enhanced qualification, in my view, is required to be reconsidered in the light of the ROPA, 1998.
Considering such uncontroverted claim of the petitioner, the impugned order passed by the said District Inspector of Schools is set aside and the petitioner’s prayer for grant of higher scale of pay is remitted back to the concerned District Inspector of Schools who is required to reconsider the petitioner’s such claim in the light of the provision contained in ROPA 1998 after ascertaining the correctness of the petitioner’s claim that Sandip Deyase left the service of the said school and engagement of any additional History teacher with Master Degree qualification in the school in the post vice Sandip Deyase, is justified according to the staff pattern of the said school or not. The District Inspector of Schools is, thus, directed to reconsider the petitioner’s prayer for higher scale of pay in the light of the observation made hereinabove and dispose of the same by passing a reasoned order after giving a reasonable opportunity of hearing to the petitioner and the school authority within twelve weeks from the date of communication of this order.
The concerned authority is also directed to intimate his decision to the petitioner and the school authority
immediately thereafter.
The writ petition is, thus, disposed of.
(Jyotirmay Bhattacharya, J.)
Source: http://www.indiankanoon.org/doc/103782747/
CASE – 2
“Kolkata High Court (Appellete Side)
Uttam Kumar Sarkar vs State Of West Bengal & Ors. , on 6 September, 2012
Author: Ashoke Kumar Dasadhikari
ss W.P. 8875(W) of 2005 Uttam Kumar Sarkar Vs. State of West Bengal & ors.
Learned Counsel for the writ petitioner submits although the writ petitioner was allowed to improve his qualification in different subject i.e. M.A. in History and he was allowed to render service or impart education on that subject, his prayer for higher scale of pay was denied. He submits that the concerned authorities granted permission for improvement and he has improved his qualification. The school authorities are benefited and although the school authorities recommended such higher scale of pay but the writ petitioner was denied the benefit. He submits that the respondents be directed to release higher scale of pay against such improved qualification. Learned Counsel for the State submits that the permission was granted on some condition and according to him, the condition may be not in accordance with law. Heard the learned Counsel appearing for the parties and considered the materials available on record. It appears that the concerned District Inspector of Schools permitted the writ petitioner to improve his qualification on a different subject i.e. M.A. in History examination and the writ petitioner was allotted classes in that subject and he was allowed to change his subject. Therefore, I do not find any impediment on the side of the District Inspector of Schools to release higher scale of pay on and from the date when the writ petitioner has improved his qualification. Therefore, I direct the District Inspector of Schools (SE), North 24-Parganas to release higher scale of pay in favour of the writ petitioner from the date of improvement. The entire exercise is to be completed within a period of eight weeks from the date of communication of this order.
The writ petition is, thus, disposed of. There would be no order as to costs.
(Ashoke Kumar Dasadhikari, J.)”
Source: http://indiankanoon.org/doc/9119982/
A teacher who has got M.A. in History which was not his Hons. subject but included in the combination of B.A. course is also eligible to get financial benefit.
The Hon’ble Kolkata H.C., in M.A.T. 1458 of 2012 dated 04.10.2012 held that “It is not in dispute that the appellant- petitioner herein has improved his educational qualification by acquiring Post-Graduate degree in History.
…………….claim of higher scale of pay was rejected mainly on the ground that the appellant- petitioner did not take permission from the competent authority prior to enroll his name in the correspondence course for acquiring the Post- Graduate degree.
Mr. Jaharlal De, learned Advocate representing the State-respondents, however, submits that the teacher concerned cannot claim the benefit of higher scale of pay for improving the qualification through correspondence course without obtaining prior permission from the District Inspector of Schools concerned.
Mr. De further submits that the teacher concerned keeping his eyes open accepted the offer to the post of teacher in the concerned school which was meant for the candidate who passed B.A. with History combination. Therefore, the said teacher upon improving his academic qualification after passing the M.A. examination cannot claim the benefit of higher scale of pay.
We are, however, not at all impressed by the aforesaid submissions of the learned Advocate of the State-respondents since the teacher concerned was appointed to a post which was not only meant for B.A. but History combination was preferred. Therefore, the knowledge in History of the teacher concerned was very much expected by the school authorities.
The appellant-petitioner herein improved his qualification by acquiring M.A. degree in History and thus, the students of the school concerned were immensely benefited by the aforesaid improved qualification of the said appellant-petitioner since the appellant-petitioner herein by improving his academic qualification in History also acquired further knowledge in History subject which obviously benefited the students of the school. The teacher concerned therefore, was entitled to claim benefit of higher scale of pay for rendering services to the school with the improved educational qualification.
……………………we direct the respondent authorities to take immediate appropriate steps for granting the benefit of higher scale of pay to the appellant-petitioner herein for acquiring the Post-Graduate degree in History through correspondence course and disburse the necessary amount to the said appellant-petitioner without any further delay but positively within a period of six weeks from the date of communication of this order.”
Source: http://indiankanoon.org/doc/58404712/
Upgrade to Higher Scale of Assistant Teacher
If an Assistant Teacher(H/PG catagory) admitted in MA course(Distance Education) before joining as Assistant Teacher and complete the MA course in service , would his degree legal ? Could he claim for higher scale i.e PG scale ? Is there G.O for upgrade to higher scale ?
Re: Upgrade to higher scale of assistant teacher
Since the Asst. Teacher (H/PG) is continuing M.A. course in ODL mode even after joining the school he has to take permission from DI for the course in terms of G.O. No. 548-SE(S) dated 24.06.1997 and No. 593-SE /ES/O/B/1M-98/2007 dated 27.11.2007.
Pls see the relevant discussions from the following link: https://wbxpress.com/topic/higher-education-permission/
Can I demand PG Scale?
I passed BA honours in Bengali(CU)(2007), I joined in a Govt. aided School in pass scale in 2002 through SSC.I obtained M.A.(Bengali) through distance education from RBU in 2005. Can I demand PG scale ?
Re: Upgrade to higher scale of assistant teacher
Pls see the foregoing post.