Query regarding the fact,as to whether,MTech(Computer Science & Engineering), qualified teacher, screened through S.S.C.(W.B.),subject Computer Science (H/PG).So without BEd training increment will be stop or not.Plz send GO order.very argent.. Plz
Purulia r DI to onno kotha bolche…computer Sc ta technical subject taii regular a BEd r permission DI deba na..ota naki Bikash bhaban thake permission nea aste hobe…r Amar post a kono deputation a vacancy DI office diche naa….Plz help….GO order thakle Plz send korben.
Amar subject computer science.. Increment stop related kichu bolte parche naa…kono GO neii bolche..
Purulia r DI to onno kotha bolche…computer Sc ta technical subject taii regular a BEd r permission DI deba na..ota naki Bikash bhaban thake permission nea aste hobe…r Amar post a kono deputation a vacancy DI office diche naa….Plz help….GO order thaklePlz send korben.
Here is the advertisement and marks division: Where the marks is given for professional Qualification, then how a teacher will get his/her increment without B.ED after 5 years of his/her joining ? Till today there is no information about the classification of teachers i.e. technical or non-technical teacher except Work Education or Physical Education teachers.
Here is the last criteria to be a teacher:-