Medical Officers will attend IPGMER for training expected to be started from 27th January ’14 and end on 26th March ’14. Nursing Personnel will attend MR Bangur Hospital for training expected to be started from 27th January ’14.
Government of West Bengal
Department of Health & Family Welfare
Swasthya Bhaban, GN – 29, Sector – V
Salt Lake, Kolkata – 700091
No. HF/O/SPSRC/07 Dated: 06.01.2014
Director of Health Service and e.o. Secretary
Department of Health & Family Welfare;
Govt. of West Bengal
The CMOH Nadia/ Purulia/ Birbhum District
Sub: Training of Medical Officers and Nursing personnel for CCU
It has been decided as per recommendation of State Level Advisory Committee and Technical Assistant and Support Team that a training programme for Medical Officer and Nursing Personnel for the CCU of Krishnanagar DH, Purulia DH and Siuri DH will be organised at IPGMER and MR Bangur Hospital respectively. Such training programme will be a full time residential training and expected to commence on 27th January ’14.
Medical Officers will attend IPGMER for training expected to be started from 27th January ’14 and end on 26th March ’14.
Nursing Personnel will attend MR Bangur Hospital for training expected to be started from 27th January ’14.
In view of the above, CMOHs of Krishnanagar, Purulia and Siuri districts are hereby requested to send the name of suitable candidates (GDMOs and Nursing Staffs) to the undersigned by 12th January ’14 positively.
5 GDMO from each of the districts are to be selected as per priority basis;
Priority 1: GDMOs irrespective of place of posting or service seniority having experience in ITU/ CCU (at public/ private sector hospitals)
Priority 2: GDMOs posted in the respective DHs
Priority 3: GDMOs posted in the peripheral hospitals having more than 3 years working experience Following candidates should not be considered during selection,
8 Nursing personnel from each of the districts are to be selected as per priority basis;
Priority 1: Staff nurse irrespective of place of posting or service seniority having experience in ITU/ CCU (at public/ private sector hospitals)
Priority 2: Staff nurse posted in the respective DHs
Priority 3: Staff nurse posted in the peripheral hospitals having more than 3 years working experience
Following candidates should not be considered during selection,
CMOHs are also instructed to prepare a list of reserve candidates (at least two for each category) and kept with them.
Sd/- Dr. B.R. Satpathy
Director of Health Service and e.o. Secretary
Department of Health & Family Welfare
Govt. of West Bengal