Transfer of 31.50 acres of land of Mouza: Kharia & Patkata under P.S. Kotwali in the District of Jalpaiguri in favour of North Bengal University for its 2nd Campus.
Government of West Bengal Higher Education Department University Branch Bikash Bhavan, Salt Lake, Kolkata-91
From: Sri A.K.Chakraborty, Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of West Bengal.
To: The Assistant Secretary, Land & land Reforms Department, Govt. of West Bengal, Writers’ Buildings, Kolkata-700 001.
Sub: Transfer of 31.50 acres of land of Mouza: Kharia & Patkata under P.S. Kotwali in the District of Jalpaiguri in favour of North Bengal University for its 2nd Campus.
Kindly refer to your nos. 857/1-GE(M) Dated 12.02.2013 as well as 3489 GE(M)/2L-25/13 Dated 26.07.2013 on the above subject. In this respect I am to state that Cabinet Approval has since been obtained for transfer of the above piece of land in favour of North Bengal University for setting up its 2nd Campus on Long Term Settlement for 99 years by way of remission of salami and at a concessional annual rent of Re. 1/-. A copy of Cabinet decision held on 09.09.2013 bearing no. 1424 is duly enclosed herewith for your kind perusal.
Now, I am directed to request you kindly to take necessary action so that the necessary settlement may take place immediately for the University to go ahead with establishment of its 2nd Campus on the land.