
UGC (Minimum Standard and Procedure for award of M. Phil/ Ph. D Degree) Regulations, 2016

Higher Education, ,

Applicability of the provisions of the University Grants Commission (Minimum Standard and Procedure for award of M. Phil/ Ph. D Degree) Regulations, 2016.


No. 1034-Edn (CS)/10M-80/2016 Date: 15.09.2017


Subject: Applicability of the provisions of the University Grants Commission (Minimum Standard and Procedure for award of M. Phil/ Ph. D Degree) Regulations, 2016.

Ref: UGC Notification No. F.1-2/2009 (EC/PS) V (1) vol. II dated 05.05.2016

In reference to the above mentioned subject, this is to inform to all concerned that the Department in the Higher Education, Science and Technology and Biotechnology has already issued Notification vide No. 1016 (20)-Edn (CS) dated 04.11.2016, enabling the eligible teachers of Government-aided colleges of West Bengal to act as a Research Supervisor independently for the M. Phil and Ph. D Students in the same manner and status equal to that of the eligible teachers of a State-aided University.

Now as per the above mentioned regulations of the UGC, it is clarified that only the regular full-time teachers of Government-aided colleges having the rank of Professor/ Associate Professor/ Assistant Professor may act as independent Research Supervisor for the M. Phil and Ph. D students in the same manner and status equal to that of a University teacher.

Further, after issuance of the UGC’s 4th Amendment Regulations, it is also clarified that the whole-time regular Principals of Government-aided Colleges will be considered equivalent to the rank of Professor since, the Principal of a Government-aided colleges is also enjoying the same Academic Grade Pay of Rs. 10,000/-, equal to that of a Professor of a University and thereby, equally eligible to act as independent Research Supervisor for the M. Phil and Ph. D Students.

Hence, in this connection, I am directed to say that the Governor, in exercise of the powers conferred by section 18 of the West Bengal Universities and Colleges (Administration and Regulation) Act, 2017, is hereby pleased to direct that all the eligible teachers and Principals of Government-aided colleges may be allowed to act as Research Supervisor for M. Phil and Ph. D Students in the same manner and status along with same strength (number of entrants for M. Phil/ Ph. D) equal to that of the teachers/ Professors of the University, in addition to their normal academic and administrative duties.

Necessary amendments to the Statutes/ Regulations/ Ordinances/ Rules of the University will be made in due course.

This Order shall take effect from the date of its issuance, notwithstanding of the fact that the Statutes/ Regulations/ Ordinances/ Rules of the University has not yet amended.

By Order of the Governor,

Sd/- Madhumita Ray
Secretary to the Govt. of West Bengal

No. 1034-Edn dated 15.09.2017, Source

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