
Uniform Allowance and Maintenance Charge for Excise Personnel

Excise, , 👁️ 337

Governor has been pleased to allow a ‘uniform allowance’ @ Rs. 2000/- per head per annum along with a ‘maintenance charge’ @ Rs. 400/- per head per annum in lieu of supplying the same.

Government of West Bengal
Department of Excise
‘NABANNA’, 10th Floor, Room No. 1008
Mandirtala, Shibpur, Howrah – 711102

No. 262-EX/N/2E-08/2006 Dated: Howrah, the 18th March, 2014


There is an existing system of supplying prescribed uniforms to Excise personnel through purchase by Excise Commissioner. The Government has been for some time considering of introducing a change in the manner of providing the prescribed uniforms to the said personnel.

Accordingly, I am directed by the Governor to say that after reviewing the system, the Governor has been pleased to allow a ‘uniform allowance’ @ Rs. 2000/- per head per annum along with a ‘maintenance charge’ @ Rs. 400/- per head per annum in lieu of supplying the same.

The Excise personnel shall purchase the uniform as per specification at his own cost and shall claim reimbursement at the fixed prescribed rate as stated above in production of voucher/ cash memo subject to the condition that the controlling officer is satisfied that the concerned Excise personnel is wearing the uniform as prescribed.

The Excise Commissioner, West Bengal, shall fix the time and mode of payment of uniform allowance and maintenance charge from time to time.

The charge in this account will be met from the budget head “2039-State Excise-00-001-Direction and Administration-NP-Non-Plan-001-Superintendance (EX)-13-Office Expenses-04-0ther Officer Expenses” till a separate head of account is opened.

This order issues with the concurrence of Finance Department vide their U/O No. EX-041-13 Group-H dated 20.01.2014.

By order of the Governor

Sd/- H. K. Dwivedi
Principal Secretary to the
Govt. of West Bengal.

No. 262-EX dated 18.03.2014

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