here is the word file.
No. 5140-J dated 20.07.2009 is attached herewith. Check page no. 36 of the below link or download the attachment.
here is the file in pdf format. i shall upload the word file tomorrow.
please check this:
No. you can join on next working day. No question of without pay. Moreover you should get a joining time.
Please provide me order no 5336-F Dt. 21-05-2004 & memorandum 5337- F dt. 21-05-2004.
For Group A employees, it is 5 days a week. Rest are 3 days a week.
State Government do not provide House Building Loan to the employees. It is the Banks to which you need to contact with. You can contact SBI. The current interest rate is 7.55 wef 16.06.2020.
please go through the following link:-
Yes. CL can be taken on medical ground also. Ref: