Food and Supplies, State Election Commission, Examination , Recruitment
Recruitment examination of Sub Inspector of Food will be held on 27.07.2014 from 1.00 p.m. to 2.30 p.m. conducted by West Bengal Staff Selection Commission. All the Venue In charge already requested to conduct the examination smoothly on that day.
Government of West Bengal
Office of the District Magistrate
(General Department), Malda
Memo No. 1980/G Date: 24.07.2014
From: The Additional District Magistrate (Gen), Malda.
To: The District Inspector of Schools (S.E), Malda.
You are well aware that the recruitment examination of Sub Inspector of Food will be held on 27.07.2014 from 1.00 p.m. to 2.30 p.m. conducted by West Bengal Staff Selection Commission.
In this Examination 45,201 above candidate will be appear and for that 105 venues have been selected at Malda District. All the Venue In charge already requested to conduct the examination smoothly on that day.
In this situation he is also requested to instruct the Venue In Charge with his staff to remain present on the said date and to conduct the same smoothly.
His all sorts of co-operation is highly solicited.
Enclo:- List of venue
Additional District Magistrate (Gen)