
West Bengal Excise (Reorganisation of the Excise Administration) Rules, 2012


for undertaking effective preventive action, for better monitoring and supervision of growing number of excise establishments, for coping with the changing nature of excise crime, for strengthening of excise range level administration and for making the excise administration


No. 1074-EX Kolkata, the 1st November, 2012.


Whereas, for undertaking effective preventive action, for better monitoring and supervision of growing number of excise establishments, for coping with the changing nature of excise crime, for strengthening of excise range level administration and for making the excise administration at the lowest level co-terminus with the jurisdictions of the police stations, it has become imperative to re-organise the excise administrative set up, by way of delimitation of the jurisdiction of excise ranges and circles and by creation of new divisional units and providing a preventive unit in the ranges, in the interest of excise administration;

Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred under Section 7 of the Bengal Excise Act, 1909 (Ben. Act. V of 1909) the Governor is pleased hereby to make the following rules:-


1. Short Title and commencement: (i) These rules may be called the West Bengal Excise (Reorganisation of the Excise Administration) Rules, 2012.

(ii) These rules shall come into force on and from 1st day of November, 2012.

2. Definitions: In these rules, unless there is anything repugnant to the subject or context-

(a) ‘the Act’ means the Bengal Excise Act, 1909 (Ben. Act. V of 1909);

(b) the words and expressions used shall have the same meaning as respectively assigned to them in the Bengal Excise Act, 1909 (Ben. Act. V of 1909) and rules made thereunder.

3. (i) 462 (four hundred and sixty two) new posts of Excise Constable in the Pay Band PB-2 (Rs. 5400 – 25200/-) with Grade Pay Rs. 2600/- shall be created in Excise Department;

(ii) 137 (one hundred and thirty seven) new posts of Assistant Sub-Inspector of Excise in the Pay Band PB-3 (Rs. 7100 – 37600/-) with Grade Pay Rs. 3200/- shall be created in Excise Department;

(iii) 88 (eighty-eight) new posts of Sub-Inspector of Excise in the Pay Band PB-3 (Rs. 7100 – 37600/-) with Grade Pay Rs. 3900/- shall be created in Excise Department;

(iv) 27 (twenty seven) new posts of Deputy Excise Collectors in the Pay Band PB-4A (Rs. 15600 – 42000/-) with Grade Pay Rs. 5400/- shall be created in West Bengal Excise Service;

(v) 3 (three) new posts of Deputy Commissioner of Excise in the Pay Band PB-4B (Rs. 28000 – 52000/-) with Grade Pay Rs. 7600/- shall be created in West Bengal Excise Service;

(vi) 3 (three) new posts of the rank of Additional Excise Commissioners in Pay Band PB-5 (Rs. 37400 – 60000/-) with grade pay Rs. 8700/- shall be created in West Bengal Excise service;

4. (i) There shall be within the Jalpaiguri district a Superintendent of Excise for Jalpaiguri Excise District comprising Jalpaiguri Sadar and Mai Sub-Divisions and a Superintendent of Excise for Alipurduar Excise District comprising Alipurduar Sub-Division and they shall in their respective areas exercise all the powers and perform all the duties conferred and imposed on a Collector by the portions of the Act, in subordination to the Collector of Jalpaiguri and subject to the control of the Excise Commissioner;

(ii) There shall be within the Paschim Medinipur district one Superintendent of Excise for Paschim Medinipur Excise District comprising Medinipur Sadar, Kharagpur and Ghatal Sub-Divisions and one Superintendent of Excise for Jhargram Excise District comprising Jhargram Sub-Division and they shall in their respective areas exercise all the powers and perform all the duties conferred and imposed on a Collector by the portions of the Act, in subordination to the Collector of Paschim Medinipur and subject to the control of the Excise Commissioner.

(iii) There shall be within the North 24 Parganas district three Superintendents of Excise, (a) one Superintendent of Excise for the Barrackpore Zone which is synonymous and coterminous with the jurisdictional areas of Barrackpore Police Commissionerate; (b) one Superintendent of Excise for the Bidhannagar Zone which is synonymous and coterminous with the jurisdictional area of Bidhannagar Police Commissionerate;

(c) one Superintendent of Excise for the rest of the area of the district of North 24 Parganas which shall be coterminous with the jurisdictional area of North 24 Parganas district police. All the said three Superintendents of Excise shall in their respective areas exercise all the powers and perform all the duties conferred and imposed on a Collector by the portions of the Act, in subordination to the Collector of North 24 Parganas and subject to the control of the Excise Commissioner.

5. (i) There shall be three Collectors of Excise within the Kolkata district which shall be coterminous with the area of the Kolkata Police Commissionerate. These three Collectors of Excise shall be appointed from the cadre of the West Bengal Excise Service, to exercise all the powers and perform all the duties conferred and imposed on a Collector by the portions of the Act, in respect of the jurisdictional areas specified hereinafter, subject to the control of the Excise Commissioner:

Sl. No.PostHeadquartersJurisdiction Area (Police Station wise)
1Collector of Excise, Kolkata (North)Kolkata23 (twenty three) Police Stations of Kolkata Police, namely, Cossipore, Sinthi, Chitpur, Tala, Shyampukur, Jorabagan, North Port, Burtola, Ultadanga, Phoolbagan, Narkeldanga, Manicktala, Amherst Street, Girish Park, Jorasanko, Burrabazar, Posta, Hare Street, Bowbazar, Muchipara, Beliaghata, Tangra and Entally.
2Collector of Excise, Kolkata (Central)Kolkata21 (twenty one) Police Stations of Kolkata Police, namely, New Market, Taltola, Park Street, Beniapukur, Shakespeare Sarani, Maidan, Alipore, Ekbalpur, Hastings, Karaya, Topsia, Ballygunj, Gariahat, Lake, Charu Market, Bhawanipur, Kalighat, Watgunj, South Port, West Port, Garden Reach
3Collector of Excise, Kolkata (South)Kolkata20 (twenty) Police Stations of Kolkata Police, namely, Metiabruz, Nadial, Rajabagan, Taratala, Chetla, New Alipore, Behala, Thakurpukur, Haridebpur, Tallygunge, Regent Park, Bansdroni, Jadavpur, Garfa, Patuli, Survey Park, Kasba, Purba Jadavpur, Tiljala, Pragati Maidan

N.B- The 14 (fourteen) Police Stations e.g Regent Park, Bansdroni, Jadavpur, Garfa, Patuli, Survey Park, Kasha, Purba Jadavpur, Tiljala, Pragati Maidan, Taratala, Behala, Thakurpukur, Haridebpur under Kolkata Police Commissionerate shall be excluded from South 24 Pgs Excise District.

(ii) There shall be within the Kolkata district three Superintendents of Excise, (a) one Superintendent of Excise for the Kolkata(North) excise district; (b) one Superintendent of Excise for the Kolkata(South) excise district; (c) one Superintendent of Excise for Kolkata(Central) excise district, who shall exercise all the powers and perform all the duties conferred and imposed on a Collector in subordination to the respective Collectors of Excise, subject to the control of the Excise Commissioner.

6. The number of Excise Districts in the state of West Bengal shall be twenty four in place of existing twenty one and there shall be two new excise zones in North 24 Parganas administrative district. In these Excise Districts and Zones there will be 215 Circles, 87 Ranges and 41 manufacturing units mentioned in the Tables below and they will be administered as shown hereunder:

I. Jalpaiguri District

  1. There will be one Superintendent of Excise in the excise district.
  2. There will be one Additional Superintendent of Excise in the excise district.
  3. There will be in this excise district Circles and Ranges as mentioned in the tables below and they will be administered as shown hereunder:

i) Circles in Jalpaiguri Excise District:

Sl. No.Name of CircleOrdinary Jurisdiction (P.S wise)Officer-in-ChargeHeadquarters
1SadarKotwaliSub-Inspector of ExciseJalpaiguri
Rajganj Sub-Inspector of Excise Jalpaiguri
2BhaktinagarBhaktinagarSub-Inspector of ExciseBhaktinagar
3MalMalSub-Inspector of ExciseMalbazar
4MoynaguriMoynaguriSub-Inspector of ExciseMoynaguri
Dhupguri Sub-Inspector of Excise Moynaguri
5NagrakataNagrakataSub-Inspector of ExciseNagrakata
Matiali Sub-Inspector of Excise Nagrakata
Banarhat Sub-Inspector of Excise Nagrakata

ii) Ranges in Jalpaiguri Excise District:

Sl. No.Name of RangeOrdinary Jurisdiction Excise Circle WiseOfficer-in-ChargeHeadquarters
1SadarSadarDeputy Excise CollectorSadar
BhaktinagarDeputy Excise CollectorSadar
2MalMalbazarDeputy Excise CollectorMalbazar
MoynaguriDeputy Excise CollectorMalbazar
NagrakataDeputy Excise CollectorMalbazar

iii) Manufacturing Units in Jalpaiguri Excise District:

Sl. No.Name of Manufacturing unitDeputy Excise CollectorSub-Inspector of Excise
1M/s Galaxy C.S Bottling Plant, Jalpaiguri11
2M/s Cosmos Beverages Pvt. Ltd., F.L. Manufactory, Bhaktinagar12

II. Alipurduar Excise District

  1. There will be one Superintendent of Excise in the excise district.
  2. There will be one Additional Superintendent of Excise in the excise district.
  3. There will be in this excise district Circles and Ranges as mentioned in the tables below and they will be administered as shown hereunder :

i) Circles in Alipurduar Excise District:

Sl. No.Name of CircleOrdinary Jurisdiction (P.S wise)Officer-in-ChargeHeadquarters
1AlipurduarAlipurduarSub-Inspector of ExciseAlipurduar
2BirparaFalakataSub-Inspector of ExciseBirpara
BirparaSub-Inspector of ExciseBirpara
3JaigaonMadarihatSub-Inspector of ExciseJaigaon
JaigaonSub-Inspector of ExciseJaigaon
4KalchiniKalchiniSub-Inspector of ExciseKalchini
5KumargramKumargramSub-Inspector of ExciseKumargram
SamuktalaSub-Inspector of ExciseKumargram

ii) Ranges in Alipurduar Excise District:

Sl. No.Name of RangeOrdinary Jurisdiction Excise Circle WiseOfficer-in-ChargeHeadquarters
1AlipurduarAlipurduarDeputy Excise CollectorAlipurduar
KumargramDeputy Excise CollectorAlipurduar
2BirparaBirparaDeputy Excise CollectorBirpara
KalchiniDeputy Excise CollectorBirpara
JaigaonDeputy Excise CollectorBirpara

iii) Manufacturing Units in Alipurduar Excise District:

Sl. No.Name of Manufacturing unitDeputy Excise CollectorSub-Inspector of Excise
1M/s PDCL Luksan C.S. Bottling Plant, Luksan11
2M/s Monalisa Bottling Industries Pvt. Ltd., C.S. Bottling Plant, Ehelbari, Birpara.11

III. Paschim Medinipur Excise District

  1. There will be one Superintendent of Excise in the excise district.
  2. There will be one Additional Superintendent of Excise in the excise district.
  3. There will be in this excise district Circles and Ranges as mentioned in the tables below and they will be administered as shown hereunder:

i) Circles in Paschim Medinipur Excise District:

Sl. No.Name of CircleOrdinary Jurisdiction (P.S wise)Officer-in-ChargeHeadquarters
1SadarKotwaliSub-Inspector of ExciseMedinipur
KeshpurSub-Inspector of ExciseMedinipur
2SalboniSalboniSub-Inspector of ExciseSalboni
AnandapurSub-Inspector of ExciseSalboni
GoaltorSub-Inspector of ExciseSalboni
3ChandrakonaChandrakonaSub-Inspector of ExciseChandrakona Road
GarbetaSub-Inspector of ExciseChandrakona Road
4GhatalGhatalSub-Inspector of ExciseGhatal
DaspurSub-Inspector of ExciseGhatal
5SobongDebraSub-Inspector of ExciseDebra
PinglaSub-Inspector of ExciseDebra
SobongSub-Inspector of ExciseDebra
6Kharagpur LocalKharagpur LocalSub-Inspector of ExciseKharagpur
7Kharagpur TownKharagpur TownSub-Inspector of ExciseKharagpur
8NarayangarhNarayangarhSub-Inspector of ExciseNarayangarh
KeshiarySub-Inspector of ExciseNarayangarh
9BeldaBeldaSub-Inspector of ExciseBelda
DantanSub-Inspector of ExciseBelda
MohanpurSub-Inspector of ExciseBelda

ii) Ranges in Paschim Medinipur Excise District:

Sl. No.Name of RangeOrdinary Jurisdiction Excise Circle WiseOfficer-in-ChargeHeadquarters
1SadarSadarDeputy Excise CollectorMedinipur
SalboniDeputy Excise CollectorMedinipur
2GhatalGhatalDeputy Excise CollectorGhatal
ChandrakonaDeputy Excise CollectorGhatal
3KharagpurKharagpur LocalDeputy Excise CollectorKharagpur
Kharagpur TownDeputy Excise CollectorKharagpur
SobongDeputy Excise CollectorKharagpur
4BeldaBeldaDeputy Excise CollectorBelda
NarayangarhDeputy Excise CollectorBelda

iii) Manufacturing Unit in Paschim Medinipur Excise District:

Sl. No.Name of Manufacturing unitDeputy Excise CollectorSub-Inspector of Excise
1Himadri Khan CS Bottling Plant, Medinipur11

IV. Jhargram Excise District

  1. There will be one Superintendent of Excise in the excise district.
  2. There will be one Additional Superintendent of Excise in the excise district.
  3. There will be in this excise district Circles and Ranges as mentioned in the tables below and they will be administered as shown hereunder:

i) Circles in Jhargram Excise District:

Sl. No.Name of CircleOrdinary Jurisdiction (P.S wise)Officer-in-ChargeHeadquarters
1JhargramJhargramSub-Inspector of ExciseJhargram
JamboniSub-Inspector of ExciseJhargram
2BinpurBinpurSub-Inspector of ExciseBinpur
BelpahariSub-Inspector of ExciseBinpur
LalgarhSub-Inspector of ExciseBinpur
3NayagramSankrailSub-Inspector of ExciseNayagram
BeliaberaSub-Inspector of ExciseNayagram
NayagramSub-Inspector of ExciseNayagram
GopiballabpurSub-Inspector of ExciseNayagram

ii) Ranges in Jhargram Excise District:

Sl. No.Name of RangeOrdinary Jurisdiction Excise Circle WiseOfficer-in-ChargeHeadquarters
1JhargramJhargramDeputy Excise CollectorJhargram
BinpurDeputy Excise CollectorJhargram
NayagramDeputy Excise CollectorJhargram

V. North 24 Parganas

  1. There will be three Superintendents of Excise in the district, one for Barrackpore Zone, one for Bidhannagar Zone and one for the remaining areas of the district of North 24 Parganas.
  2. There will be three Additional Superintendents of Excise in the district.
  3. There will be in this district Circles and Ranges as mentioned in the tables below and they will be administered as shown hereunder:

i) Circles in North 24 Parganas District:

Barrackpore Zone

Sl. No.Name of CircleOrdinary Jurisdiction (P.S wise)Officer-in-ChargeHeadquarters
1BeezpurBeezpurSub-Inspector of ExciseBeezpur
2NaihatiNaihatiSub-Inspector of ExciseNaihati
3JagatdalJagatdalSub-Inspector of ExciseJagatdal
4BarrackporeBarrackporeSub-Inspector of ExciseBarrackpore
NoaparaSub-Inspector of ExciseBarrackpore
5TitagarhTitagarhSub-Inspector of ExciseTitagarh
6KhardahKhardahSub-Inspector of ExciseKhardah
7GholaGholaSub-Inspector of ExciseGhola
8BaranagarBaranagarSub-Inspector of ExciseBaranagar
9BelghoriaBelghoriaSub-Inspector of ExciseBelghoria
NimtaSub-Inspector of ExciseBelghoria
10DumDumDumDumSub-Inspector of ExciseDumDum

Bidhannagar Zone

Sl. No.Name of CircleOrdinary Jurisdiction (P.S wise)Officer-in-ChargeHeadquarters
11Bidhannagar (A)Bidhannagar (North)Sub-Inspector of ExciseBidhannagar
Bidhannagar (East)Sub-Inspector of ExciseBidhannagar
Lake TownSub-Inspector of ExciseBidhannagar
12Bidhannagar (B)Bidhannagar (South)Sub-Inspector of ExciseBidhannagar
ECPSSub-Inspector of ExciseBidhannagar
13RajarhatRajarhatSub-Inspector of ExciseRajarhat
14New TownNew TownSub-Inspector of ExciseNew Town
15BaguihatiAirportSub-Inspector of ExciseBaguihati
BaguihatiSub-Inspector of ExciseBaguihati

North 24 Parganas

Sl. No.Name of CircleOrdinary Jurisdiction (P.S wise)Officer-in-ChargeHeadquarters
16BarasatBarasatSub-Inspector of ExciseBarasat
AmdangaSub-Inspector of ExciseBarasat
17HabraAshoknagarSub-Inspector of ExciseHabra
HabraSub-Inspector of ExciseHabra
18BongaonBongaonSub-Inspector of ExciseBongaon
BagdaSub-Inspector of ExciseBongaon
19GaighataGaighataSub-Inspector of ExciseGaighata
GopalnagarSub-Inspector of ExciseGaighata
20BasirhatBasirhatSub-Inspector of ExciseBasirhat
21DegangaSwarupnagarSub-Inspector of ExciseDeganga
DegangaSub-Inspector of ExciseDeganga
BaduriaSub-Inspector of ExciseDeganga
22HasnabadHasnabadSub-Inspector of ExciseHasnabad
HaroaSub-Inspector of ExciseHasnabad
23SandeshkhaliSandeshkhaliSub-Inspector of ExciseSandeshkhali
MinakhaSub-Inspector of ExciseSandeshkhali
HingalganjSub-Inspector of ExciseSandeshkhali

ii) Ranges in North 24 Parganas District:

Barrackpore Zone

Sl. No.Name of RangeOrdinary Jurisdiction Excise Circle WiseOfficer-in-ChargeHeadquarters
1NaihatiBeezpurDeputy Excise CollectorNaihati
2BarrackporeBarrackporeDeputy Excise CollectorBarrackpore
TitagarhDeputy Excise CollectorBarrackpore
3KhardahBelghoriaDeputy Excise CollectorKhardah
KhardahDeputy Excise CollectorKhardah
GholaDeputy Excise CollectorKhardah
4Dum DumDum DumDeputy Excise CollectorDum Dum
BaranagarDeputy Excise CollectorDum Dum

Bidhannagar Zone

Sl. No.Name of RangeOrdinary Jurisdiction Excise Circle WiseOfficer-in-ChargeHeadquarters
5BidhannagarBidhannagar ADeputy Excise CollectorBidhannagar
Bidhannagar BDeputy Excise CollectorBidhannagar
6RajarhatRajarhatDeputy Excise CollectorRajarhat
New TownDeputy Excise CollectorRajarhat
BaguihatiDeputy Excise CollectorRajarhat

North 24 Parganas

Sl. No.Name of RangeOrdinary Jurisdiction Excise Circle WiseOfficer-in-ChargeHeadquarters
7BarasatBarasatDeputy Excise CollectorBarasat
HabraDeputy Excise CollectorBarasat
8BongaonBongaonDeputy Excise CollectorBongaon
GaighataDeputy Excise CollectorBongaon
9BasirhatBasirhatDeputy Excise CollectorBasirhat
DegangaDeputy Excise CollectorBasirhat
10HansnabadHansnabadDeputy Excise CollectorHansnabad
SandeskhaliDeputy Excise CollectorHansnabad

iii) Manufacturing Units in North 24 Parganas District:

Sl. No.Name of Manufacturing UnitName of Zone (if applicable)Deputy Excise CollectorSub-Inspector of Excise
1M/s Yours Laboratories Coloured &/or Flavoured Spirit Bottling Plant, Ganganagar, Barasat 11
2M/s Sengupta C.S Bottling Plant, BarrackporeBarrackpore11
3M/s Bhattacharya Bottling Plant Pvt. Ltd., C.S Bottling Plant, BaranagarBarrackpore11
4M/s Priya Laboratories F.L Bonded Manufactory, RajarhatBidhannagar12

VI. Hooghly District

  1. There will be one Superintendent of Excise in the district.
  2. There will be three Additional Superintendents of Excise in the district, one for general administration, one for preventive activities and one for manufacturing units.
  3. There will be in this excise district Circles and Ranges as mentioned in the tables below and they will be administered as shown hereunder

i) Circles in Hooghly District:

Sl. No.Name of CircleOrdinary Jurisdiction (P.S wise)Officer-in-ChargeHeadquarters
1ChinsurahChinsurahSub-Inspector of ExciseChinsurah
2PolbaPolbaSub-Inspector of ExcisePolba
DadpurSub-Inspector of ExcisePolba
3MograMograSub-Inspector of ExciseMogra
BalagarhSub-Inspector of ExciseMogra
4PunduahPunduahSub-Inspector of ExcisePunduah
5DhaniakhaliDhaniakhaliSub-Inspector of ExciseDhaniakhali
GurapSub-Inspector of ExciseDhaniakhali
6KhanakhulPursuraSub-Inspector of ExciseKhanakhul
KhanakhulSub-Inspector of ExciseKhanakhul
7ArambaghArambaghSub-Inspector of ExciseArambagh
GoghatSub-Inspector of ExciseArambagh
8SeramporeSeramporeSub-Inspector of ExciseSerampore
9UttarparaRishraSub-Inspector of ExciseUttarpara
UttarparaSub-Inspector of ExciseUttarpara
10ChandannagarChandannagarSub-Inspector of ExciseChandannagar
11BhadreswarBhadreswarSub-Inspector of ExciseBhadreswar
12SingurSingurSub-Inspector of ExciseSingur
13HaripalHaripalSub-Inspector of Excise Sub-Inspector of ExciseHaripal
TarakeswarSub-Inspector of Excise Sub-Inspector of ExciseHaripal
14ChanditalaJangiparaSub-Inspector of Excise Sub-Inspector of ExciseChanditala
ChanditalaSub-Inspector of Excise Sub-Inspector of ExciseChanditala
15DankuniDankuniSub-Inspector of ExciseDankuni

ii) Ranges in Hooghly District:

Sl. No.Name of RangeOrdinary Jurisdiction Excise Circle WiseOfficer-in-ChargeHeadquarters
1Chinsurah (Sadar)Chinsurah (Sadar)Deputy Excise CollectorChinsurah
MograDeputy Excise CollectorChinsurah
PunduahDeputy Excise CollectorChinsurah
2DhaniakhaliDhaniakhaliDeputy Excise CollectorDhaniakhali
PolbaDeputy Excise CollectorDhaniakhali
3ArambagArambagDeputy Excise CollectorArambag
KhanakulDeputy Excise CollectorArambag
4SeramporeSeramporeDeputy Excise CollectorSerampore
UttarparaDeputy Excise CollectorSerampore
5ChandannagarChandannagarDeputy Excise CollectorChandannagar
BhadreswarDeputy Excise CollectorChandannagar
6SingurSingurDeputy Excise CollectorSingur
HaripalDeputy Excise CollectorSingur
7DankuniDankuniDeputy Excise CollectorDankuni
ChanditalaDeputy Excise CollectorDankuni

iii) Manufacturing Units in Hooghly District:

Sl. No.Name of Manufacturing unitDeputy Excise CollectorSub-Inspector of Excise
1M/s Bhattacharya Bottling Plant Pvt. Ltd., C.S Bottling Plant, Dankuni11
2M/s IFB Agro Industries Ltd., C.S Bottling Plant, Serampore11
3M/s United Spirits Ltd., Unit- Bhadrakali F.L Bonded Manufactory, Bhadrakali12
4M/s United Spirits Ltd., Unit- Serampore F.L Bonded Manufactory, Serampore12
5M/s Prasant Impex Pvt. Ltd., F.L Bonded Manufactory, Dankuni12
6M/s Passion Beverages Pvt. Ltd., F.L Bonded Manufactory, Dankuni12
7M/s IFB Agro Industries Ltd., IMFL Unit, F.L Bonded Manufactory, Panchghora, Chanditala12
8M/s Alpine Distilleries Pvt. Ltd., F.L Bonded Manufactory, Polba12
9M/s Leade Liquor Private Limited F.L. Bonded Manufactory, Rameswarpur, Pandua12
10M/s Parag Breweries Ltd., Brewery, Dhaniakhali12

VII. Howrah District

  1. There will be one Superintendent of Excise in the district.
  2. There will be one Additional Superintendent of Excise in the district.
  3. There will be in this excise district Circles and Ranges as mentioned in the tables below and they will be administered as shown hereunder:

i) Circles in Howrah District:

Sl. No.Name of CircleOrdinary Jurisdiction (P.S wise)Officer-in-ChargeHeadquarters
1Howrah (Sadar)HowrahSub-Inspector of ExciseHowrah
2JagachaBatraSub-Inspector of ExciseJagacha
JagachaSub-Inspector of ExciseJagacha
3ShibpurShibpurSub-Inspector of ExciseShibpur
4GolabariGolabariSub-Inspector of ExciseGolabari
5LiluahLiluahSub-Inspector of ExciseLiluah
MalipanchgharaSub-Inspector of ExciseLiluah
6BallyBallySub-Inspector of ExciseBally
7AndulSankrailSub-Inspector of ExciseAndul
PanchlaSub-Inspector of ExciseAndul
8DomjurDomjurSub-Inspector of ExciseDomjur
JagatballabpurSub-Inspector of ExciseDomjur
9UluberiaUluberiaSub-Inspector of ExciseUluberia
BauriaSub-Inspector of ExciseUluberia
10ShyampurShyampurSub-Inspector of ExciseShyampur
11BagnanBagnanSub-Inspector of ExciseBagnan
12AmtaAmtaSub-Inspector of ExciseAmta
13UdaynarayanpurUdaynarayanpurSub-Inspector of ExciseUdaynarayanpur
JoypurSub-Inspector of ExciseUdaynarayanpur

ii) Ranges in Howrah District:

Sl. No.Name of RangeOrdinary Jurisdiction Excise Circle WiseOfficer-in-ChargeHeadquarters
1Howrah SadarHowrah SadarDeputy Excise CollectorHowrah Sadar
JagachaDeputy Excise CollectorHowrah Sadar
ShibpurDeputy Excise CollectorHowrah Sadar
2GolabariGolabariDeputy Excise CollectorGolabari
LiluahDeputy Excise CollectorGolabari
BallyDeputy Excise CollectorGolabari
3AndulAndulDeputy Excise CollectorAndul
DomjurDeputy Excise CollectorAndul
4UluberiaUluberiaDeputy Excise CollectorUluberia
ShyampurDeputy Excise CollectorUluberia
BagnanDeputy Excise CollectorUluberia
5AmtaAmtaDeputy Excise CollectorAmta
UdaynarayanpurDeputy Excise CollectorAmta

iii) Manufacturing Units in Howrah District:

Sl. No.Name of Manufacturing unitDeputy Excise CollectorSub-Inspector of Excise
1M/s Alpha Malts Pvt. Ltd., C.S Bottling Plant, Dhulagarh11
2M/s Essencia Beverages Pvt. Ltd., F.L Bonded Manufactory, Dhulagarh12

VIII. Bardhaman (East) Excise District

  1. There will be one Superintendent of Excise in the excise district.
  2. There will be one Additional Superintendent of Excise in the excise district.
  3. There will be in this excise district Circles and Ranges as mentioned in the tables below and they will be administered as shown hereunder:

i) Circles in Bardhaman (East) Excise District:

Sl. No.Name of CircleOrdinary Jurisdiction (P.S wise)Officer-in-ChargeHeadquarters
1Burdwan(Sadar)BurdwanSub-Inspector of ExciseBurdwan
2GuskaraAushgramSub-Inspector of ExciseGuskara
BhatarSub-Inspector of ExciseGuskara
3RainaKhandoghoshSub-Inspector of ExciseRaina
RainaSub-Inspector of ExciseRaina
MadhabdihiSub-Inspector of ExciseRaina
4MemariMemariSub-Inspector of ExciseMemari
JamalpurSub-Inspector of ExciseMemari
5KalnaKalnaSub-Inspector of ExciseKalna
6PurbhasthaliPurbhasthaliSub-Inspector of ExcisePurbhasthali
MonteswarSub-Inspector of ExcisePurbhasthali
7KatwaKatwaSub-Inspector of ExciseKatwa
8MangalkoteMangalkoteSub-Inspector of ExciseMangalkote
KetugramSub-Inspector of ExciseMangalkote
9GalsiGalsiSub-Inspector of ExciseGalsi
BudbudSub-Inspector of ExciseGalsi

ii) Ranges in Bardhaman (East) Excise District:

Sl. No.Name of RangeOrdinary Jurisdiction Excise Circle WiseOfficer-in-ChargeHeadquarters
1SadarSadarDeputy Excise CollectorBurdwan
GuskaraDeputy Excise CollectorBurdwan
GalsiDeputy Excise CollectorBurdwan
2KalnaKalnaDeputy Excise CollectorKalna
PurbhasthaliDeputy Excise CollectorKalna
3KatwaKatwaDeputy Excise CollectorKatwa
MangalkoteDeputy Excise CollectorKatwa
4MemariRainaDeputy Excise CollectorMemari
MemariDeputy Excise CollectorMemari

IX. Bardhaman (West) Excise District

  1. There will be one Superintendent of Excise in the excise district.
  2. There will be one Additional Superintendent of Excise in the excise district.
  3. There will be in this excise district Circles and Ranges as mentioned in the tables below and they will be administered as shown hereunder:

i) Circles in Bardhaman (West) Excise District:

Sl. No.Name of CircleOrdinary Jurisdiction (P.S wise)Officer-in-ChargeHeadquarters
1Asansol (South)Asansol (South)Sub-Inspector of ExciseAsansol
2Asansol (North)Asansol (North)Sub-Inspector of ExciseAsansol
HirapurSub-Inspector of ExciseAsansol
3KultiKultiSub-Inspector of ExciseBarakar
4BaraboniSalanpurSub-Inspector of ExciseBaraboni
BaraboniSub-Inspector of ExciseBaraboni
ChittaranjanSub-Inspector of ExciseBaraboni
5RaniganjRaniganjSub-Inspector of ExciseRaniganj
6JamuriaJamuriaSub-Inspector of ExciseJamuria
7AndalAndalSub-Inspector of ExciseAndal
8PandaveswarPandaveswarSub-Inspector of ExcisePandaveswar
FaridpurSub-Inspector of ExcisePandaveswar
9DurgapurDurgapurSub-Inspector of ExciseDurgapur
New TownSub-Inspector of ExciseDurgapur
10KanksaCoke OvenSub-Inspector of ExcisePanagarh
KanksaSub-Inspector of ExcisePanagarh

ii) Ranges in Bardhaman (West) Excise District:

Sl. No.Name of RangeOrdinary Jurisdiction Excise Circle WiseOfficer-in-ChargeHeadquarters
1AsansolAsansol (South)Deputy Excise CollectorAsansol
Asansol (North)Deputy Excise CollectorAsansol
2BarakarKultiDeputy Excise CollectorBarakar
BaraboniDeputy Excise CollectorBarakar
3RaniganjRaniganjDeputy Excise CollectorRaniganj
JamuriaDeputy Excise CollectorRaniganj
4AndalAndalDeputy Excise CollectorAndal
PandeveswarDeputy Excise CollectorAndal
5DurgapurDurgapurDeputy Excise CollectorDurgapur
KanksaDeputy Excise CollectorDurgapur

iii) Manufacturing Units in Bardhaman (West) District:

Sl. No.Name of Manufacturing unitDeputy Excise CollectorSub-Inspector of Excise
1M/s IFB Agro Industries Ltd., C.S Bottling Plant, Panagarh11
2M/s Asansol Bottling & Packaging Co. Ltd., C.S Bottling Plant, Asansol11
3M/s United Spirits Ltd., Unit- Asansol, F.L Bonded Manufactory, Asansol12
4M/s National Industrial Corporation Ltd., F.L Bonded Manufactory, Asansol12
5M/s Diamond Bottling Plant, F. L Bonded Manufactory, Boldi, Kulti12
6M/s Jogvik Manufacturing & Trading Pvt. Ltd., F.L Bonded Manufactory, Asansol12

X. Purulia

  1. There will be one Superintendent of Excise in the excise district.
  2. There will be one Additional Superintendent of Excise in the excise district.
  3. There will be in this excise district Circles and Ranges as mentioned in the tables below and they will be administered as shown hereunder:

i) Circles in Purulia District:

Sl. No.Name of CircleOrdinary Jurisdiction (P.S wise)Officer-in-ChargeHeadquarters
1SadarPurulia TownSub-Inspector of ExcisePurulia
Purulia MafarshalSub-Inspector of ExcisePurulia
2ParaParaSub-Inspector of ExcisePara
SantaldihSub-Inspector of ExcisePara
3JhaldaJhaldaSub-Inspector of ExciseJhalda
JaipurSub-Inspector of ExciseJhalda
ArshaSub-Inspector of ExciseJhalda
KotshilaSub-Inspector of ExciseJhalda
4BagmundiBagmundiSub-Inspector of ExciseBagmundi
Bara BazarSub-Inspector of ExciseBagmundi
BalarampurSub-Inspector of ExciseBagmundi
5ManbazarManbazarSub-Inspector of ExciseManbazar
BoroSub-Inspector of ExciseManbazar
BandwanSub-Inspector of ExciseManbazar
6NeturiaNeturiaSub-Inspector of ExciseNeturia
7RaghunathpurRaghunathpurSub-Inspector of ExciseRaghunathpur
8KashipurKashipurSub-Inspector of ExciseKashipur
SanturiSub-Inspector of ExciseKashipur
KendaSub-Inspector of ExciseKashipur
9HuraHuraSub-Inspector of ExciseHura
PunchaSub-Inspector of ExciseHura

ii) Ranges in Purulia District:

Sl. No.Name of RangeOrdinary Jurisdiction Excise Circle WiseOfficer-in-ChargeHeadquarters
1SadarSadarDeputy Excise CollectorPurulia
JhaldaDeputy Excise CollectorPurulia
HuraDeputy Excise CollectorPurulia
2BalarampurNeturiaDeputy Excise CollectorBalarampur
ManbazarDeputy Excise CollectorBalarampur
BagmundiDeputy Excise CollectorBalarampur
3RaghunathpurRaghunathpurDeputy Excise CollectorRaghunathpur
ParaDeputy Excise CollectorRaghunathpur
KashipurDeputy Excise CollectorRaghunathpur

iii) Manufacturing Units in Purulia District:

Sl. No.Name of Manufacturing unitDeputy Excise CollectorSub-Inspector of Excise
1M/s Purulia Bottling Pvt. Ltd., C.S Bottling Plant, Lakda, Purulia11

XI. Darjeeling District

  1. There will be one Superintendent of Excise in the excise district.
  2. There will be one Additional Superintendent of Excise in the excise district.
  3. There will be in this excise district Circles and Ranges as mentioned in the tables below and they will be administered as shown hereunder:

i) Circles in Darjeeling District:

Sl. No.Name of CircleOrdinary Jurisdiction (P.S wise)Officer-in-ChargeHeadquarters
1SadarDarjeelingSub-Inspector of ExciseDarjeeling
JorbungalowSub-Inspector of ExciseDarjeeling
SukhiaSub-Inspector of ExciseDarjeeling
Rangli Rangliot PulbazarSub-Inspector of ExciseDarjeeling
2KursheongKursheongSub-Inspector of ExciseKursheong
MirikSub-Inspector of ExciseKursheong
3KalimpongKalimpongSub-Inspector of ExciseKalimpong
GorubathanSub-Inspector of ExciseKalimpong
JaldhakaSub-Inspector of ExciseKalimpong
4SiliguriSiliguriSub-Inspector of ExciseSiliguri
5PradhannagarPradhannagarSub-Inspector of ExcisePradhannagar
6BagdograMatigaraSub-Inspector of ExciseBagdogra
BagdograSub-Inspector of ExciseBagdogra
7NaxalbariNaksalbariSub-Inspector of ExciseNaxalbari
KharibariSub-Inspector of ExciseNaxalbari
PhansidewaSub-Inspector of ExciseNaxalbari

ii) Ranges in Darjeeling District:

Sl. No.Name of RangeOrdinary Jurisdiction Excise Circle WiseOfficer-in-ChargeHeadquarters
1SadarSadarDeputy Excise CollectorDarjeeling
KurseongDeputy Excise CollectorDarjeeling
KalimpongDeputy Excise CollectorDarjeeling
2SiliguriSiliguriDeputy Excise CollectorSiliguri
PradhannagarDeputy Excise CollectorSiliguri
3BagdograBagdograDeputy Excise CollectorBagdogra
NaxalbariDeputy Excise CollectorBagdogra

iii) Manufacturing Units in Darjeeling District:

Sl. No.Name of Manufacturing unitDeputy Excise CollectorSub-Inspector of Excise
1M/s Himalayan Endeavour Pvt. Ltd., C.S Bottling Plant, Siliguri11

XII. Cooch Behar District

  1. There will be one Superintendent of Excise in the excise district.
  2. There will be one Additional Superintendent of Excise in the excise district.
  3. There will be in this excise district Circles and Ranges as mentioned in the tables below and they will be administered as shown hereunder:

i) Circle in Cooch Behar District:

Sl. No.Name of CircleOrdinary Jurisdiction (P.S wise)Officer-in-ChargeHeadquarters
1SadarKotwaliSub-Inspector of ExciseCooch Behar
2DinhataDinhataSub-Inspector of ExciseDinhata
SitaiSub-Inspector of ExciseDinhata
3ToofanganjToofanganjSub-Inspector of ExciseToofanganj
BoxirhatSub-Inspector of ExciseToofanganj
4MathabhangaMathabhangaSub-Inspector of ExciseMathabhanga
GhoksadangaSub-Inspector of ExciseMathabhanga
SitalkuchiSub-Inspector of ExciseMathabhanga
5MekhliganjMekhliganjSub-Inspector of ExciseMekhliganj
KuchlibariSub-Inspector of ExciseMekhliganj
HaldibariSub-Inspector of ExciseMekhliganj

ii) Ranges in Cooch Behar District:

Sl. No.Name of RangeOrdinary Jurisdiction Excise Circle WiseOfficer-in-ChargeHeadquarters
1Coochbehar (Sadar)CoochbeharDeputy Excise CollectorCoochbehar
DinhataDeputy Excise CollectorCoochbehar
ToofanganjDeputy Excise CollectorCoochbehar
2MathabhangaMathabhangaDeputy Excise CollectorMathabhanga
MekhliganjDeputy Excise CollectorMathabhanga

XIII. Uttar Dinajpur District

  1. There will be one Superintendent of Excise in the excise district.
  2. There will be one Additional Superintendent of Excise in the excise district.
  3. There will be in this excise district Circles and Ranges as mentioned in the tables below and they will be administered as shown hereunder :

i) Circles in Uttar Dinajpur District:

Sl. No.Name of CircleOrdinary Jurisdiction (P.S wise)Officer-in-ChargeHeadquarters
1Raiganj (Sadar)RaiganjSub-Inspector of ExciseRaiganj
ItaharSub-Inspector of ExciseRaiganj
KaliaganjSub-Inspector of ExciseRaiganj
HemtabadSub-Inspector of ExciseRaiganj
2DalkholaKarandighiSub-Inspector of ExciseDalkhola
3PanjiparaGoalpokharSub-Inspector of ExcisePanjipara
ChakuliaSub-Inspector of ExcisePanjipara
4IslampurIslampurSub-Inspector of ExciseIslampur
ChopraSub-Inspector of ExciseIslampur

ii) Ranges in Uttar Dinajpur District:

Sl. No.Name of RangeOrdinary Jurisdiction Excise Circle WiseOfficer-in-ChargeHeadquarters
1SadarRaiganjDeputy Excise CollectorRaiganj
DalkholaDeputy Excise CollectorRaiganj
2IslampurIslampurDeputy Excise CollectorIslampur
PanjiparaDeputy Excise CollectorIslampur

XIV. Dakshin Dinajpur District

  1. There will be one Superintendent of Excise in the excise district.
  2. There will be one Additional Superintendent of Excise in the excise district.
  3. There will be in this excise district Circles and Ranges as mentioned in the tables below and they will be administered as shown hereunder:

i) Circles in Dakshin Dinajpur District:

Sl. No.Name of CircleOrdinary Jurisdiction (P.S wise)Officer-in-ChargeHeadquarters
1SadarBalurghatSub-Inspector of ExciseBalurghat
HiliSub-Inspector of ExciseBalurghat
2BuniadpurBansihariSub-Inspector of ExciseBuniadpur
HarirampurSub-Inspector of ExciseBuniadpur
KushmandiSub-Inspector of ExciseBuniadpur
3GangarampurTapanSub-Inspector of ExciseGangarampur
GangarampurSub-Inspector of ExciseGangarampur
KumarganjSub-Inspector of ExciseGangarampur

ii) Ranges in Dakshin Dinajpur District:

Sl. No.Name of RangeOrdinary Jurisdiction Excise Circle WiseOfficer-in-ChargeHeadquarters
1SadarSadarDeputy Excise CollectorBalurghat
BuniadpurDeputy Excise CollectorBalurghat
GangarampurDeputy Excise CollectorBalurghat

XV. Malda District

  1. There will be one Superintendent of Excise in the excise district.
  2. There will be one Additional Superintendent of Excise in the excise district.
  3. There will be in this excise district Circles and Ranges as mentioned in the tables below and they will be administered as shown hereunder

i) Circles in Malda District:

Sl. No.Name of CircleOrdinary Jurisdiction (P.S wise)Officer-in-ChargeHeadquarters
1SadarMaldaSub-Inspector of ExciseMalda
HabibpurSub-Inspector of ExciseMalda
2English BazarEnglish BazarSub-Inspector of ExciseEnglish Bazar
RatuaSub-Inspector of ExciseEnglish Bazar
3GazoleGazoleSub-Inspector of ExciseGazole
BamangolaSub-Inspector of ExciseGazole
4ChanchalChanchalSub-Inspector of ExciseChanchal
HarischandrapurSub-Inspector of ExciseChanchal
5ManikchakManikchakSub-Inspector of ExciseManikchak
KaliachakSub-Inspector of ExciseManikchak
BaishnabnagarSub-Inspector of ExciseManikchak

ii) Ranges in Malda District:

Sl. No.Name of RangeOrdinary Jurisdiction Excise Circle WiseOfficer-in-ChargeHeadquarters
1SadarSadarDeputy Excise CollectorMalda
English BazarDeputy Excise CollectorMalda
GazoleDeputy Excise CollectorMalda
2SamsiChanchalDeputy Excise CollectorSamsi
ManikchakDeputy Excise CollectorSamsi

iii) Manufacturing Units in Malda District:

Sl. No.Name of Manufacturing unitDeputy Excise CollectorSub-Inspector of Excise
1M/s Himalayan Endeavour Pvt. Ltd., C.S Bottling Plant, Malda11

XVI. South 24 Parganas

  1. There will be one Superintendent of Excise in the excise district.
  2. There will be two Additional Superintendents of Excise, one for general administration and one for preventive activities, in the excise district.
  3. There will be in this excise district Circles and Ranges as mentioned in the tables below and they will be administered as shown hereunder:

i) Circles in South 24 Parganas District:

Sl. No.Name of CircleOrdinary Jurisdiction (P.S wise)Officer-in-ChargeHeadquarters
1BhangoreBhangoreSub-Inspector of ExciseBhangore
KashiporeSub-Inspector of ExciseBhangore
K.L.C.Sub-Inspector of ExciseBhangore
2MahestalaMahestalaSub-Inspector of ExciseMahestala
PamashreeSub-Inspector of ExciseMahestala
RabindranagarSub-Inspector of ExciseMahestala
3Budge BudgeBudge BudgeSub-Inspector of ExciseBudge Budge
NodakhaliSub-Inspector of ExciseBudge Budge
4BishnupurBishnupurSub-Inspector of ExciseBishnupur
5FaltaFaltaSub-Inspector of ExciseFalta
RamnagarSub-Inspector of ExciseFalta
6BaruipurBaruipurSub-Inspector of ExciseBaruipur
MograhatSub-Inspector of ExciseBaruipur
7JaynagarJaynagarSub-Inspector of ExciseJaynagar
KultaliSub-Inspector of ExciseJaynagar
CoastalSub-Inspector of ExciseJaynagar
8SonarpurSonarpurSub-Inspector of ExciseSonarpur
9DiamondHarbourDiamondHarbourSub-Inspector of ExciseDiamondHarbour
UsthiSub-Inspector of ExciseDiamondHarbour
10KakdwipKakdwipSub-Inspector of ExciseKakdwip
KulpiSub-Inspector of ExciseKakdwip
DholahatSub-Inspector of ExciseKakdwip
11NamkhanaFrezergung CoastalSub-Inspector of ExciseNamkhana
PatharpratimaSub-Inspector of ExciseNamkhana
SagarSub-Inspector of ExciseNamkhana
NamkhanaSub-Inspector of ExciseNamkhana
12MandirbazarMandir BazarSub-Inspector of ExciseMandir Bazar
RaidighiSub-Inspector of ExciseMandir Bazar
MathurapurSub-Inspector of ExciseMandir Bazar
13CanningCanningSub-Inspector of ExciseCanning
14GosabaGosabaSub-Inspector of ExciseGosaba
JibantalaSub-Inspector of ExciseGosaba
Sundarban CoastalSub-Inspector of ExciseGosaba
BasantiSub-Inspector of ExciseGosaba

ii) Ranges in South 24 Parganas:

Sl. No.Name of RangeOrdinary Jurisdiction Excise Circle WiseOfficer-in-ChargeHeadquarters
1Baruipur (Sadar)BaruipurDeputy Excise CollectorBaruipur
JaynagarDeputy Excise CollectorBaruipur
SonarpurDeputy Excise CollectorBaruipur
BhangoreDeputy Excise CollectorBaruipur
2Budge BudgeBudge BudgeDeputy Excise CollectorBudge Budge
MaheshtalaDeputy Excise CollectorBudge Budge
BishnupurDeputy Excise CollectorBudge Budge
3Diamond HarbourDiamond HarbourDeputy Excise CollectorDiamond Harbour
FaltaDeputy Excise CollectorDiamond Harbour
MandirbazarDeputy Excise CollectorDiamond Harbour
4CanningCanningDeputy Excise CollectorCanning
GosabaDeputy Excise CollectorCanning
5KakdwipKakdwipDeputy Excise CollectorKakdwip
NamkhanaDeputy Excise CollectorKakdwip

iii) Manufacturing Unit in South 24 Parganas:

Sl. No.Name of Manufacturing unitDeputy Excise CollectorSub-Inspector of Excise
1IFB Agro Industries Ltd., Nurpur (Distillery)11
2Madhusala Drinks Pvt. Ltd., F.L Manufactory, Mahestala12

XVII. Nadia

  1. There will be one Superintendent of Excise in the district.
  2. There will be one Additional Superintendent of Excise in the district.
  3. There will be in this excise district Circles and Ranges as mentioned in the tables below and they will be administered as shown hereunder:

i) Circles in Nadia District

Sl. No.Name of CircleOrdinary Jurisdiction (P.S wise)Officer-in-ChargeHeadquarters
1SadarKotwaliSub-Inspector of ExciseKrishnanagar
KrishnaganjSub-Inspector of ExciseKrishnanagar
ChapraSub-Inspector of ExciseKrishnanagar
2NabadwipNabadwipSub-Inspector of ExciseNabadwip
DhubuliaSub-Inspector of ExciseNabadwip
3BethuadahariNakashiparaSub-Inspector of ExciseBethuadahari
KaliganjSub-Inspector of ExciseBethuadahari
4TehattaTehattaSub-Inspector of ExciseTehatta
ThanaparaSub-Inspector of ExciseTehatta
5KarimpurKarimpurSub-Inspector of ExciseKarimpur
MurutiaSub-Inspector of ExciseKarimpur
HogolberiaSub-Inspector of ExciseKarimpur
6RanaghatRanaghatSub-Inspector of ExciseRanaghat
DhantalaSub-Inspector of ExciseRanaghat
GangnapurSub-Inspector of ExciseRanaghat
7SantipurSantipurSub-Inspector of ExciseSantipur
HanskhaliSub-Inspector of ExciseSantipur
TaherpurSub-Inspector of ExciseSantipur
8ChakdahChakdahSub-Inspector of ExciseChakdah
9KalyaniHaringhataSub-Inspector of ExciseKalyani
KalyaniSub-Inspector of ExciseKalyani

ii) Ranges in Nadia:

Sl. No.Name of RangeOrdinary Jurisdiction Excise Circle WiseOfficer-in-ChargeHeadquarters
1SadarSadarDeputy Excise CollectorKrishnanagar
NabadwipDeputy Excise CollectorKrishnanagar
BethuadahariDeputy Excise CollectorKrishnanagar
2TehattaTehattaDeputy Excise CollectorTehatta
KarimpurDeputy Excise CollectorTehatta
3RanaghatRanaghatDeputy Excise CollectorRanaghat
ShantipurDeputy Excise CollectorRanaghat
4KalyaniChakdahDeputy Excise CollectorKalyani
KalyaniDeputy Excise CollectorKalyani

iii) Manufacturing Unit in Nadia:

Sl. No.Name of Manufacturing unitDeputy Excise CollectorSub-Inspector of Excise
1United Breweries Ltd., Kalyani12
2Wales Distiller Pvt. Ltd., F.L. Bonded Manufactory, Kalyani12
3Srilab Distiller Pvt. Ltd., F.L. Bonded Manufactory, Kalyani12

XVIII. Murshidabad

  1. There will be one Superintendent of Excise in the district.
  2. There will be one Additional Superintendent of Excise in the district.
  3. There will be in this excise district Circles and Ranges as mentioned in the tables below and they will be administered as shown hereunder:

i) Circles in Murshidabad District:

Sl. No.Name of CircleOrdinary Jurisdiction (P.S wise)Officer-in-ChargeHeadquarters
1FarakkaFarakkaSub-Inspector of ExciseFarakka
SamserganjSub-Inspector of ExciseFarakka
2RaghunathganjRaghunathganjSub-Inspector of ExciseRaghunathganj
SutiSub-Inspector of ExciseRaghunathganj
3LalgolaLalgolaSub-Inspector of ExciseLalgola
BhagwangolaSub-Inspector of ExciseLalgola
RanitalaSub-Inspector of ExciseLalgola
4DomkolDomkolSub-Inspector of ExciseDomkol
RaninagarSub-Inspector of ExciseDomkol
JalangiSub-Inspector of ExciseDomkol
5MurshidabadMurshidabadSub-Inspector of ExciseMurshidabad
IslampurSub-Inspector of ExciseMurshidabad
JiaganjSub-Inspector of ExciseMurshidabad
6NabagramNabagramSub-Inspector of ExciseNabagram
SagardighiSub-Inspector of ExciseNabagram
7Berhampore (Sadar)BerhamporeSub-Inspector of ExciseBerhampore
DaulatabadSub-Inspector of ExciseBerhampore
8KandiKandiSub-Inspector of ExciseKandi
KhargramSub-Inspector of ExciseKandi
9BurwanBurwanSub-Inspector of ExciseBurwan
BharatpurSub-Inspector of ExciseBurwan
SalarSub-Inspector of ExciseBurwan
10BeldangaBeldangaSub-Inspector of ExciseBeldanga
RejinagarSub-Inspector of ExciseBeldanga
NowdaSub-Inspector of ExciseBeldanga
HariharparaSub-Inspector of ExciseBeldanga

ii) Ranges in Murshidabad:

Sl. No.Name of RangeOrdinary Jurisdiction Excise Circle WiseOfficer-in-ChargeHeadquarters
1SadarSadarDeputy Excise CollectorBerhampore
DomkalDeputy Excise CollectorBerhampore
MurshidabadDeputy Excise CollectorBerhampore
BeldangaDeputy Excise CollectorBerhampore
2KandiKandiDeputy Excise CollectorKandi
BurwanDeputy Excise CollectorKandi
3JangipurFarakkaDeputy Excise CollectorRaghunathganj
RaghunathganjDeputy Excise CollectorRaghunathganj
LalgolaDeputy Excise CollectorRaghunathganj
NabagramDeputy Excise CollectorRaghunathganj

XIX. Birbhum

  1. There will be one Superintendent of Excise in the district.
  2. There will be one Additional Superintendent of Excise in the district.
  3. There will be in this excise district Circles and Ranges as mentioned in the tables below and they will be administered as shown hereunder:

i) Circles in Birbhum District:

Sl. No.Name of CircleOrdinary Jurisdiction (P.S wise)Officer-in-ChargeHeadquarters
1SadarSuriSub-Inspector of ExciseSuri
RajnagarSub-Inspector of ExciseSuri
2BolpurBolpurSub-Inspector of ExciseBolpur
IllambazarSub-Inspector of ExciseBolpur
3KhoyrasoleKhoyrasoleSub-Inspector of ExciseKhoyrasole
KankartalaSub-Inspector of ExciseKhoyrasole
4DubrajpurDubrajpurSub-Inspector of ExciseDubrajpur
SadaipurSub-Inspector of ExciseDubrajpur
5LavpurLavpurSub-Inspector of ExciseLavpur
NanoorSub-Inspector of ExciseLavpur
6SainthiaPanruiSub-Inspector of ExciseSainthia
SainthiaSub-Inspector of ExciseSainthia
7MayureswarMd. BazarSub-Inspector of ExciseMayureswar
MayureswarSub-Inspector of ExciseMayureswar
8RampurhatMargramSub-Inspector of ExciseRampurhat
RampurhatSub-Inspector of ExciseRampurhat
9NalhatiNalhatiSub-Inspector of ExciseNalhati
MuraraiSub-Inspector of ExciseNalhati

ii) Ranges in Birbhum:

Sl. No.Name of RangeOrdinary Jurisdiction Excise Circle WiseOfficer-in-ChargeHeadquarters
1SadarSadarDeputy Excise CollectorSuri
DubrajpurDeputy Excise CollectorSuri
KhoyrasoleDeputy Excise CollectorSuri
SainthiaDeputy Excise CollectorSuri
2BolpurBolpurDeputy Excise CollectorBolpur
LavpurDeputy Excise CollectorBolpur
3RampurhatRampurhatDeputy Excise CollectorRampurhat
NalhatiDeputy Excise CollectorRampurhat
MayureswarDeputy Excise CollectorRampurhat

iii) Manufacturing Unit in Birbhum:

Sl. No.Name of Manufacturing unitDeputy Excise CollectorSub-Inspector of Excise
1S. K. De CS Bottling Plant, Ahmedpur11

XX. Bankura District

  1. There will be one Superintendent of Excise in the district.
  2. There will be one Additional Superintendent of Excise in the district.
  3. There will be in this excise district Circles and Ranges as mentioned in the tables below and they will be administered as shown hereunder:

i) Circles in Bankura District:

Sl. No.Name of CircleOrdinary Jurisdiction (P.S wise)Officer-in-ChargeHeadquarters
1SadarBankuraSub-Inspector of ExciseBankura
IndpurSub-Inspector of ExciseBankura
2ChatnaChatnaSub-Inspector of ExciseChatna
GangajalghatiSub-Inspector of ExciseChatna
BeliatoreSub-Inspector of ExciseChatna
3MejiaBorjoraSub-Inspector of ExciseMejia
MejiaSub-Inspector of ExciseMejia
SaltoraSub-Inspector of ExciseMejia
4TaldangraTaldangraSub-Inspector of ExciseTaldangra
OndaSub-Inspector of ExciseTaldangra
5SarengaSarengaSub-Inspector of ExciseSarenga
SimlapalSub-Inspector of ExciseSarenga
RaipurSub-Inspector of ExciseSarenga
6KhatraKhatraSub-Inspector of ExciseKhatra
HirbandhSub-Inspector of ExciseKhatra
RanibandhSub-Inspector of ExciseKhatra
BarikulSub-Inspector of ExciseKhatra
7BishnupurBishnupurSub-Inspector of ExciseBishnupur
JoypurSub-Inspector of ExciseBishnupur
8KotulpurKotulpurSub-Inspector of ExciseKotulpur
IndusSub-Inspector of ExciseKotulpur
9SonamukhiSonamukhiSub-Inspector of ExciseSonamukhi
PatrasayarSub-Inspector of ExciseSonamukhi

ii) Ranges in Bankura:

Sl. No.Name of RangeOrdinary Jurisdiction Excise Circle WiseOfficer-in-ChargeHeadquarters
1SadarSadarDeputy Excise CollectorBankura
ChatnaDeputy Excise CollectorBankura
MejiaDeputy Excise CollectorBankura
2KhatraTaldangraDeputy Excise CollectorKhatra
SarengaDeputy Excise CollectorKhatra
KhatraDeputy Excise CollectorKhatra
3BishnupurBishnupurDeputy Excise CollectorBishnupur
KotulpurDeputy Excise CollectorBishnupur
SonamukhiDeputy Excise CollectorBishnupur


  1. There will be one Superintendent of Excise in the district.
  2. There will be one Additional Superintendent of Excise in the district.
  3. There will be in this excise district Circles and Ranges as mentioned in the tables below and they will be administered as shown hereunder:

i) Circles in Purba Medinipur District:

Sl. No.Name of CircleOrdinary Jurisdiction (P.S wise)Officer-in-ChargeHeadquarters
1TamlukTamlukSub-Inspector of ExciseTamluk
MoynaSub-Inspector of ExciseTamluk
2KolaghatKolaghatSub-Inspector of ExciseKolaghat
PanskuraSub-Inspector of ExciseKolaghat
3ChandipurNandakumarSub-Inspector of ExciseChandipur
ChandipurSub-Inspector of ExciseChandipur
4MahishadalMahishadalSub-Inspector of ExciseMahishadal
SutahataSub-Inspector of ExciseMahishadal
5HaldiaDurgachakSub-Inspector of ExciseHaldia
HaldiaSub-Inspector of ExciseHaldia
BhawanipurSub-Inspector of ExciseHaldia
6BajkulBhagwanpurSub-Inspector of ExciseBajkul
BhupatinagarSub-Inspector of ExciseBajkul
7NandigramNandigramSub-Inspector of ExciseNandigram
KhejuriSub-Inspector of ExciseNandigram
8ContaiContaiSub-Inspector of ExciseContai
MarisdaSub-Inspector of ExciseContai
9DighaRamnagarSub-Inspector of ExciseDigha
DighaSub-Inspector of ExciseDigha
Digha CoastalSub-Inspector of ExciseDigha
10EgraEgraSub-Inspector of ExciseEgra
PatashpurSub-Inspector of ExciseEgra

ii) Ranges in Purba Medinipur:

Sl. No.Name of RangeOrdinary Jurisdiction Excise Circle WiseOfficer-in-ChargeHeadquarters
1SadarTamlukDeputy Excise CollectorTamluk
KolaghatDeputy Excise CollectorTamluk
2HaldiaHaldiaDeputy Excise CollectorMahishadal
MahishadalDeputy Excise CollectorMahishadal
3ChandipurChandipurDeputy Excise CollectorChandipur
BajkulDeputy Excise CollectorChandipur
NandigramDeputy Excise CollectorChandipur
4ContaiContaiDeputy Excise CollectorContai
DighaDeputy Excise CollectorContai
EgraDeputy Excise CollectorContai

XXII. Kolkata (North) District

  1. There will be one Superintendent of Excise in the district.
  2. There will be one Additional Superintendent of Excise in the district.
  3. There will be in this excise district Circles and Ranges as mentioned in the tables below and they will be administered as shown hereunder:

i) Circles in Kolkata (North) Excise District:

Sl. No.Name of CircleOrdinary Jurisdiction (P.S wise)Officer-in-Cha rgeHeadquarters
1CossiporeCossiporeSub-Inspector of ExciseKolkata
SintheeSub-Inspector of ExciseKolkata
ChitpurSub-Inspector of ExciseKolkata
TalaSub-Inspector of ExciseKolkata
2JorabaganShyampukurSub-Inspector of ExciseKolkata
JorabaganSub-Inspector of ExciseKolkata
3BurtolaBurtolaSub-Inspector of ExciseKolkata
North PortSub-Inspector of ExciseKolkata
4UltadangaUltadangaSub-Inspector of ExciseKolkata
PhoolbaganSub-Inspector of ExciseKolkata
NarkeldangaSub-Inspector of ExciseKolkata
5ManicktolaManicktolaSub-Inspector of ExciseKolkata
6JorasankoJorasankoSub-Inspector of ExciseKolkata
Amherst StreetSub-Inspector of ExciseKolkata
Girish ParkSub-Inspector of ExciseKolkata
7BurrabazarBurrabazarSub-Inspector of ExciseKolkata
PostaSub-Inspector of ExciseKolkata
8Hare StreetHare StreetSub-Inspector of ExciseKolkata
9BowbazarBowbazarSub-Inspector of ExciseKolkata
10MuchiparaMuchiparaSub-Inspector of ExciseKolkata
BeliaghataSub-Inspector of ExciseKolkata
11EntallyEntallySub-Inspector of ExciseKolkata
TangraSub-Inspector of ExciseKolkata

ii) Ranges in Kolkata (North) Excise District:

Sl. No.Name of RangeOrdinary Jurisdiction Excise Circle WiseOfficer-in-ChargeHeadquarters
1BurtolaCossiporeDeputy Excise CollectorKolkata
JorabaganDeputy Excise CollectorKolkata
BurtolaDeputy Excise CollectorKolkata
2ManiktolaUltadangaDeputy Excise CollectorKolkata
ManicktolaDeputy Excise CollectorKolkata
3BurrabazarJorasankoDeputy Excise CollectorKolkata
BurrabazarDeputy Excise CollectorKolkata
Hare StreetDeputy Excise CollectorKolkata
4MuchiparaBowbazarDeputy Excise CollectorKolkata
MuchiparaDeputy Excise CollectorKolkata
EntallyDeputy Excise CollectorKolkata

iii) Manufacturing Units in Kolkata (North) Excise District:

Sl. No.Name of Manufacturing unitDeputy Excise CollectorSub-Inspector of Excise
1Varas International Pvt. Ltd.
Country Spirit Bottling Plant, Cossipore

XXIII. Kolkata (Central) District:

  1. There will be one Superintendent of Excise in the district.
  2. There will be one Additional Superintendent of Excise in the district.
  3. There will be in this excise district Circles and Ranges as mentioned in the tables below and they will be administered as shown hereunder:

i) Circles in Kolkata (Central) Excise District:

Sl. No.Name of CircleOrdinary Jurisdiction (P.S wise)Officer-in-ChargeHeadquarters
1New MarketNew MarketSub-Inspector of ExciseKolkata
TaltolaSub-Inspector of ExciseKolkata
2Park StreetPark StreetSub-Inspector of ExciseKolkata
BeniapukurSub-Inspector of ExciseKolkata
3MaidanMaidanSub-Inspector of ExciseKolkata
Shakespeare SaraniSub-Inspector of ExciseKolkata
4HastingsHastingsSub-Inspector of ExciseKolkata
AliporeSub-Inspector of ExciseKolkata
EkbalpurSub-Inspector of ExciseKolkata
5BallygunjBallygunjSub-Inspector of ExciseKolkata
KarayaSub-Inspector of ExciseKolkata
TopsiaSub-Inspector of ExciseKolkata
6GariahatGariahatSub-Inspector of ExciseKolkata
LakeSub-Inspector of ExciseKolkata
Charu MarketSub-Inspector of ExciseKolkata
7KalighatKalighatSub-Inspector of ExciseKolkata
BhawaniporeSub-Inspector of ExciseKolkata
8WatgunjWatgunjSub-Inspector of ExciseKolkata
South PortSub-Inspector of ExciseKolkata
9Garden ReachGarden ReachSub-Inspector of ExciseKolkata
West PortSub-Inspector of ExciseKolkata

ii) Ranges in Kolkata (Central) Excise District:

Sl. No.Name of RangeOrdinary Jurisdiction Excise Circle WiseOfficer-in-ChargeHeadquarters
1New Market Park StreetNew Market Park StreetDeputy Excise CollectorKolkata
2MaidanMaidanDeputy Excise CollectorKolkata
HastingsDeputy Excise CollectorKolkata
3BallygunjBallygunjDeputy Excise CollectorKolkata
GariahatDeputy Excise CollectorKolkata
KalighatDeputy Excise CollectorKolkata
4WatgunjWatgunj Garden ReachDeputy Excise CollectorKolkata

XXIV. Kolkata (South) District:

  1. There will be one Superintendent of Excise in the district.
  2. There will be one Additional Superintendent of Excise in the district.
  3. There will be in this excise district Circles and Ranges as mentioned in the tables below and they will be administered as shown hereunder:

i) Circles in Kolkata (South) Excise District:

Sl. No.Name of CircleOrdinary Jurisdiction (P.S wise)Officer-in-ChargeHeadquarters
1MetiabruzMetiabruzSub-Inspector of ExciseKolkata
NadialSub-Inspector of ExciseKolkata
RajabaganSub-Inspector of ExciseKolkata
2TaratalaTaratalaSub-Inspector of ExciseKolkata
ChetlaSub-Inspector of ExciseKolkata
New AliporeSub-Inspector of ExciseKolkata
3BehalaBehalaSub-Inspector of ExciseKolkata
4ThakurpukurThakurpukurSub-Inspector of ExciseKolkata
HaridevpurSub-Inspector of ExciseKolkata
5TollygunjTollygunjSub-Inspector of ExciseKolkata
Regent ParkSub-Inspector of ExciseKolkata
BansdroniSub-Inspector of ExciseKolkata
6JadavpurJadavpurSub-Inspector of ExciseKolkata
GarfaSub-Inspector of ExciseKolkata
7PatuliPatuliSub-Inspector of ExciseKolkata
Survey ParkSub-Inspector of ExciseKolkata
8KashaKashaSub-Inspector of ExciseKolkata
Purba JadavpurSub-Inspector of ExciseKolkata
9TiljalaTiljalaSub-Inspector of ExciseKolkata
Pragati MaidanSub-Inspector of ExciseKolkata

ii) Ranges in Kolkata (South) Excise District:

Sl. No.Name of RangeOrdinary Jurisdiction Excise Circle WiseOfficer-in-ChargeHeadquarters
1TaratalaTaratalaDeputy Excise CollectorKolkata
MetiabruzDeputy Excise CollectorKolkata
2BehalaBehalaDeputy Excise CollectorKolkata
ThakurpukurDeputy Excise CollectorKolkata
3JadavpurJadavpurDeputy Excise CollectorKolkata
TollygunjDeputy Excise CollectorKolkata
4KashaKashaDeputy Excise CollectorKolkata
PatuliDeputy Excise CollectorKolkata
TiljalaDeputy Excise CollectorKolkata

iii) Manufacturing Units in Kolkata (South) Excise District:

Sl. No.Name of Manufacturing unitDeputy Excise CollectorSub-Inspector of Excise
1M/s Farinni Eleven Up
Country Spirit Bottling Plant,Chetla
2M/s Eastern Distilleries & Chemicals Ltd., 34, B.L Saha Road, Kol- 3711
3M/s N.C Shaw Pvt. Ltd., F.L Manufactory, Taratala12
4M/s Scotch & Co., F.L Manufactory, Taratala12

XXV. Special Section

  1. There will be three Superintendents of Excise in the organisation.
  2. There will be one Additional Superintendent of Excise.
  3. There will be in this excise organisation Circles and Ranges as mentioned in the tables below and they will be administered as shown hereunder:

i) Circles in Special Section:

Sl. No.Name of CircleOrdinary Jurisdiction (P.S wise)Officer-in-ChargeHeadquarters
1Jadavpur( A)Existing JurisdictionSub-Inspector of ExciseKolkata
2Jadavpur( B)Existing JurisdictionSub-Inspector of ExciseKolkata
3BhangoreExisting JurisdictionSub-Inspector of ExciseKolkata
4Budge-BudgeExisting JurisdictionSub-Inspector of ExciseKolkata
5Sealdah (A)Existing JurisdictionSub-Inspector of ExciseKolkata
6Sealdah (B)Existing JurisdictionSub-Inspector of ExciseKolkata
7Dumdum( A)Existing JurisdictionSub-Inspector of ExciseKolkata
8Dumdum(B)Existing JurisdictionSub-Inspector of ExciseKolkata
9Baranagar (A)Existing JurisdictionSub-Inspector of ExciseKolkata
10Baranagar (B)Existing JurisdictionSub-Inspector of ExciseKolkata
11Uttarpara (A)Existing JurisdictionSub-Inspector of ExciseKolkata
12Uttarpara (B)Existing JurisdictionSub-Inspector of ExciseKolkata

ii) Ranges in Special Section:

Sl. No.Name of RangeOrdinary Jurisdiction Excise Circle WiseOfficer-in-ChargeHeadquarters
1JadavpurJadavpur (A)
Jadavpur (B)
Deputy Excise CollectorKolkata
2Bhangar & Budge-BudgeBhangar
Deputy Excise CollectorKolkata
3SealdahSealdah (A)
Sealdah (B)
Deputy Excise CollectorKolkata
4DumdumDumdum (A)
Dumdum (B)
Deputy Excise CollectorKolkata
5BaranagarBaranagar (A)
Baranagar (B)
Deputy Excise CollectorKolkata
6UttarparaUttarpara (A)
Uttarpara (B)
Deputy Excise CollectorKolkata

iii) Bonded Manufacturing Units/ Warehouse in Special Section:

Sl. No.Name of Manufacturing unit/ WarehouseExcise Officer-in-Charge
1M/s Super Spirits Warehouse, Budge BudgeDeputy Excise Collector (assisted by one S.I of Excise)
2M/s West Bengal Spirits Warehouse, Budge BudgeDeputy Excise Collector (assisted by one S.I of Excise)
3M/s Bengal Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals Ltd., KolkataDeputy Excise Collector (assisted by one S.I of Excise)
4M/s Mendine Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd., MahestalaDeputy Excise Collector
5M/s Dabur India Ltd, NarendrapurDeputy Excise Collector
6M/s Good Care Pharma Pvt. Ltd, Amtala, South 24 PgsSub-Inspector of Excise
7M/s Hahnemann Research Laboratory, Salt Lake Sector-VSub-Inspector of Excise
8M/s National Homoeo Laboratory, Tangra CIT RoadSub-Inspector of Excise
9International Homoeo Research Pvt. Ltd, BeliaghataSub-Inspector of Excise
10M/s King & Co. Pvt. Ltd, SodepurSub-Inspector of Excise
11M/s Hahnemann Homoeopathy Laboratory, DumdumSub-Inspector of Excise
12M/s N.P Dutta & Son BaranagarSub-Inspector of Excise
13M/s Powell Laboratories (P) Ltd, Salt Lake Sector-VSub-Inspector of Excise
14Dr. M. Roychowdhury & Co. BelghoriaSub-Inspector of Excise
15M/s Hahnemann Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., TitagarhSub-Inspector of Excise
16M/s Lama Pharmaceuticals, Sukantanagar, North 24 PgsSub-Inspector of Excise
17M/s Standard Pharmaceuticals Ltd., Serampur, HooghlySub-Inspector of Excise
18Dr. S.C. Deb Homoeo Research Laboratory Pvt. Ltd., Ganganagar, North 24 PgsSub-Inspector of Excise
19Bhabani Aushadalaya, Dacca,NaihatiSub-Inspector of Excise
20M/s Allen Laboratories Ltd., Krishnapur, North 24 PgsSub-Inspector of Excise
21M/s Angel Homoeo Reserch Laboratory Pvt. Ltd, Uttarpara, HooghlySub-Inspector of Excise
22Megacure Laboratories Pvt. Ltd., Dingalpota, South 24 PgsSub-Inspector of Excise
23M/s East India Chemicals Works Ltd., BaranagarSub-Inspector of Excise
24M/s Dacca Ausadhalaya Pvt. Ltd, NagerbazarSub-Inspector of Excise
25M/s Sadhana Ausadhalaya, Dakha, Golaghata, North 24 PgsSub-Inspector of Excise
26M/s Hahnemann Laboratory Ltd., Dumdum CantonmentSub-Inspector of Excise
27M/s Pragati Pharmaceuticals, UttarparaSub-Inspector of Excise
28M/s Sarada Homoeo Laboratory, BeliaghataSub-Inspector of Excise
29M/s Mahesh Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. ManicktalaSub-Inspector of Excise
30Baidyanath Ayurbed Bhavan Ltd, HowrahSub-Inspector of Excise
31Economic Research Laboratory, Domjur, HowrahSub-Inspector of Excise
32The Sarada Homoeo Laboratory, BarrackporeSub-Inspector of Excise
33Boericke Homoeo Pharmacy Hindmotor, HooghlySub-Inspector of Excise
34Organon Homoeo Laboratory, Lunghi, South 24 PgsSub-Inspector of Excise
35Ducks Pharmaceuticals, BaranagarSub-Inspector of Excise

N.B- There shall be one Sub-Inspector of Excise for supervision of the operation of two units from Sl No. 6 to 35 above.

7. The existing excise establishments at the non-manufacturing foreign liquor bonded warehouses in all districts shall be abolished.

8. (i) There shall be eight Deputy Commissioners of Excise – (a) 2(two) in Jalpaiguri administrative division, (b) 3 (three) in Burdwan administrative division and (c) 3(three) in Presidency administrative division to exercise powers and perform duties conferred and imposed on the Collector in their respective jurisdictions as shown in the table below and subject to the general control of the Excise Commissioner, West Bengal. The existing three posts of Deputy Commissioners of Excise (Preventive) in three preventive divisions, viz., Presidsency, Bardhhaman and Jalpaiguri and the post of Deputy Commissioner of Excise, Central Striking Force shall stand abolished. The establishment of Central Striking Force under the control of the Excise Commissioner, West Bengal, having its headquarters at the Excise Directorate, Kolkata shall also be merged with the respective divisions.

(ii) There shall be 9 (nine) Superintendents of Excise, (a) l(one) Superintendent of Excise at each of the 7(seven) excise divisions, viz., Jalpaiguri, Malda, Krishnanagar, Barrackpore, Alipore, Kharagpur and Durgapur; (b) 2(two) Superintendents of Excise for Bardhhaman division with headquarters for one at Bardhaman and the other at Chandannagar, who shall be assisted by a Striking Force comprising Additional Superintendent of Excise, Deputy Excise Collector(s), Sub-Inspectors of Excise, Assistant Sub-inspectors of Excise and Excise Constables, and shall function in subordination to the respective Deputy Commissioners of Excise, subject to the control of the Excise Commissioner.


Detail of Excise Divisions

Name of Excise DivisionJurisdiction (Excise Districtwise)Headquarter
JalpaiguriJalpaiguri, Alipurduar, Darjeeling, CoochbeharJalpaiguri
MaldaMalda, Uttar Dinajpur, Dakshin DinajpurMalda
DurgapurBurdwan( West), Bankura, PuruliaDurgapur
BardhamanBurdwan( East), Birbhum, HooghlyBardhaman, Chandannagar
KharagpurPaschim Medinipur, Purba Medinipur, JhargramKharagpur
KrishnanagarNadia, MurshidabadKrishnanagar
BarrackporeNoth 24 Parganas, Kolkata (North), Kolkata (Central)Barrackpore
AliporeSouth 24 Parganas, Kolkata (South), HowrahKolkata

(iii) There shall be 12 (twelve) Excise Checkposts, namely, EIB (Excise Intelligence Bureau) Checkposts at the railway stations and 1 (one) Checkpost shall be at Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose Airport at Dum Dum. The Deputy Commissioner of Excise of the concerned division shall be in overall supervision of these checkposts and each of these 13(thirteen) Checkposts shall be manned by one or more Sub-Inspector/s of Excise who may be assisted by Assistant Sub-Inspector/s of Excise and Excise Constables. The details of such checkposts are mentioned in the following table.


Details of EIB Checkposts

Name of Excise DivisionName of Excise Check PostJurisdiction
JalpaiguriNew CoochbeharNew Coochbehar GRPS
New JalpaiguriSiliguri Town GRPS, New Mainaguri GRPS
AlipurduarAlipurduar GRPS, New Mai GRPS
MaldaMaldaMalda GRPS, Dalkhola GRPS
DurgapurAsansolAsansol, Bankura, Purulia & Adra GRPS
BardhhamanBardhhamanBardhhaman, Katwa, Kalna GRPS
BandelBandel, Sheoraphuly and Kamarkundu GRPS
RampurhatAndal, Suri, Sainthia GRPS
KharagpurKharagpurKhargapur,Jhargram, Panskura, Haldia GRPS
KrishnanagarRanaghatKrishnanagar, Berhampur Court, Ajimganj and Ranaghat GRPS
BarrackporeSealdahSealdah, Dum Dum, Naihati, Barasat and Bongaon GRPS, Jadavpur, Baruipur and Sonarpur GRPS
AirportNetaji Subhas Chandra Bose International Airport, Dum Dum, Kolkata
AliporeHowrahHowrah, Shalimar, Belur GRPS

9. Range Preventive Force – A preventive unit comprising one Sub Inspector of Excise, one Assistant Sub-Inspector of Excise and 08 (eight) Excise Constables shall be placed at every Range ,in all excise districts except Kolkata, at the disposal of the Deputy Excise Collector under the general control of the Superintendent of Excise.

In Kolkata Excise Districts there shall be three preventive units namely Special Squads, one for each excise district, comprising one Deputy Excise Collector, one Sub Inspector of Excise, two Assistant Sub-Inspectors of Excise and 10 (ten) Excise Constables at the disposal of the concerned Superintendent of Excise under the general control of the respective Collector of Excise.

10. Computer Cell – There shall be a Deputy Commissioner of Excise (Systems) in charge of the Computer Cell in the Excise Directorate under the general control of Excise Commissioner. This Cell shall also be manned by (02) two Deputy Excise Collectors and 02 (two) Systems Analysts. Such Systems Analysts shall have a suitable degree in Computer Software.

11. The Excise Commissioner may issue such orders, not inconsistent with the provision of the Bengal Excise Act, 1909 and the rules framed thereunder, and not inconsistent with this notification as may be required for the implementation of this scheme of reorganisation.

12. Power to waive – The State Government shall have the right to waive any of the provisions of these rules at its discretion in the public interest.

13. Overriding effect of rules – These rules shall have effect notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in any other rules or orders for the time being in force, relating to the general administration of the Excise Department and all such rules or orders shall be subject to these rules.

14. Interpretation – The power of interpreting these rules is reserved to the State Government.

By order of the Governor,

Secretary to the Government of West Bengal

No. 1074-EX dated 01.11.2012, Source

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