
13th RLST (AT) 2013 Teachers Eligibility Test on 09.03.2014

School Education,

Teachers Eligibility Test in connection with the 13th RLST (AT) 2013 is going to be held on 09.03.2014 for which full-fledged support (including infrastructural & Staff) for smooth conduct of this Examination is required.

West Bengal Regional School Service Commission

Memo No. 75(7)/WBRSSC/NR/WBRLST(AT)/2014 Date: 20.01.2014

From: The Chairman
West Bengal Regional School Service Commission
Northern Region, Malda

To: The District Inspector of Schools (SE)
Coochbehar/ Jalpaiguri/ Siliguri/ U.Dinajpur/ D.Dinajpur/ Malda/ Murshidabad

Subject: Regarding conducting of 13th RLST (AT) 2013 as per advertisement No. 01/AT/2013 dated 27.12.2013 published in daily.

Ref. Memo No. 164(10)/11(IV)/CSSC/ESTT/2014 dated 20.01.2014 of the West Bengal Central School Service Commission (Kolkata-91)


With reference to the above I would like to inform you that the Teachers Eligibility Test in connection with the 13th RLST (AT) 2013 is going to be held on 09.03.2014. In this connection you are requested to intimate this matter urgently to all A.I./S (S.E. & P.E.), S.I./S (S.E. & P.E.) and Head of the Institutions (Jr. High/High/HS) under your jurisdiction directing them to extend their full-fledged support (including infrastructural & Staff) to the Venue-in-charges, Officer-in-charges and Coordinators for smooth conduct of this Examination.

You are further requested to direct the Head of the Institutions (Jr. High/High/HS) identified as venues under your jurisdiction to abide by the proposal and instruction of the Commission for the purpose.

You are also requested to send a feed-back report in this matter along with the names of A.I./S & S.I./S and their Mobile/Telephone Nos. within 31st January, 2014 by Fax (No. 03512-278055)/ E-mail (chairman.nr.westbengalssc@gmail.com) besides postal communication.

Soliciting your co-operation.

Thanking you.

Sd/- Chairman
West Bengal Regional School Service Commission
Northern Region, Malda.

Enclo:- List of proposed Venues.

No. 75/WBRSSC dated 20.01.2014

Update: 13th RLST (AT) 2013 TET rescheduled on 29.03.2014

The West Bengal Central School Service Commission
11 & 11/1, Block-EE, Salt Lake; Kolkata-700091

Memo. No. 397 /834(X)/CSSC/ESTT/2014 Dated: 05.03.2014


It is hereby notified for all concerned that due to unavoidable circumstances, the date of TET-2013 scheduled to be held on 09.03.2014 has been deferred. The revised date of TET-2013 has been fixed on 29.03.2014 (Saturday). The other information regarding Venue & Admit Card will be available in the Commission’s website (www.westbengalssc.com) shortly.

By Order

Sd/- Secretary

Ref: Public Notice

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