
Ad-hoc Bonus to Contractual Employees under Health, 2013-14

Health, , 👁️ 183

Contractual employees engaged in various health programme under West Bengal State Health & Family Welfare Samiti will be eligible for drawing ad-hoc bonus maximum upto Rs. 3,000/-

West Bengal State Health & Family Welfare Samiti
Registration No.: S/IL/14448 of 2002-2003
Swasthya Bhawan, ‘B’ Wing, 3rd Floor, GN – 29, Sector – V, Salt Lake, Kolkata – 700 091

Memo No. SHFWS/ESTD-39/2004/5140 Date: 22.07.2014


In pursuance of Finance (Audit) Department’s memo no. 3712-F(P2) dt. 16.07.2014 contractual employees engaged in various health programme under NHM, RCH II, NCD, Diseases Control Programmes and as well as all Thalassaemia Control Programme under West Bengal State Health & Family Welfare Samiti and whose emoluments did not exceed Rs. 22,000/- (Rupees twenty two thousand) only per month as on 31.03.2014 and who were in service on 31.03.2014 and rendering at least 6 months continuous service during the year 2013-14 will be eligible for drawing ad-hoc bonus maximum upto Rs. 3,000/- (Rupees three thousand) only as per conditions fixed in the G.O. of Finance Department.

2. The disbursement of ad-hoc bonus sanctioned hereinabove should be made in case of Muslim contractual employees by 23.07.2014 and in case of other contractual employees disbursement should be made in between 15.09.2014 to 22.09.2014.

3. The charge on this account will be met out of the respective programme fund and if necessary, from state share.

4. All concerned are being informed.

Sd/- Executive Director
WB SH & FW Samiti

No. SHFWS-5140 dated 22.07.2014, Source

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