Grant of Ad-hoc Bonus for the year 2015-16 to the employees of State-Aided Universities under administrative control of Higher Education Deptt. and West Bengal State Council of Higher Education.
Government of West Bengal
Higher Education Department
University Branch
Bikash Bhavan, Salt Lake, Kolkata-700091
No. 479-Edn(U)/1U-74/03 Date: 27/06/2016
Sub: Grant of Ad-hoc Bonus for the year 2015-16 to the employees of the State-Aided Universities under the administrative control of this Department and West Bengal State Council of Higher Education.
The undersigned is directed by the order of the Governor to say that the Governor is pleased to decide that the employees of all the State-aided Universities under the administrative control of this Department including the University BT & Evening College, Coochbehar and employees of the West Bengal State Council of Higher Education who are not covered by any of the Productivity Linked Bonus Schemes and whose actual emoluments did not exceed Rs. 25,000/-per month as on 31st March,2016 will be entitled to Ad-hoc Bonus for the accounting year of 2015-16 at the rate of Rs. 3,400/- per head.
The upper eligibility ceiling of Rs. 25,000/- per month as on 31st March, 2016 will be applicable irrespective of whether the emoluments are drawn in the pre-revised or revised scale of pay or on fixed/consolidated contract pay.
2. The benefit will be admissible subject to the following terms and conditions:-
i) Only those employees who were in service on 31.03.2016 and have rendered at least six month’s continuous service during 2015-16 will be eligible for payment of Ad-hoc Bonus under this order.
ii) The employees whose emoluments on 31.03.2016 exceeded Rs. 25,000/- per month, but during the year 2015-16 their emoluments at least for 6(six) months were less than Rs. 25,000/- per month, i.e. the said emoluments exceeded the eligibility ceiling of Rs. 25,000/- p.m. on account of promotion, drawal of increment, implementation of Career Advancement Scheme, enhancement of Dearness Allowance, Special Pay, etc. after remaining less than Rs. 25,000/- p.m. for at least six months, will be entitled to Ad-hoc Bonus of the maximum amount of Rs. 3,400/- per head under this order.
iii) Pro-rata payment will be admissible in such cases to the eligible employees for periods of continuous service during the year 2015-16 ranging from six months to full year, the eligibility period being taken in terms of number of months of service (rounded off to the nearest number of months). A fraction of 15-days or more should be counted as one month.
iv) The amount of Ad-hoc Bonus on pro-rata payment as admissible under 2(iii) above will have to be calculated according to the following formula:-
Emoluments as on 31st March, 2016 X Eligibility period in number of months/ 12
= The amount of Ad-hoc Bonus subject to maximum of Rs. 3,400/- only.
3. The Casual workers who have put in work at least for 120 days and the employees on consolidated pay in the year 2015-16 will also be entitled to Ad-hoc Bonus under this order according to the following formula:-
Total amount of salary/wages earned during the year 2015-16/ 12
= The amount of Ad-hoc Bonus subject to maximum of Rs. 3,400/- only.
The salary/wages in these cases should have the same meaning as ‘revised emoluments’ as defined in Para
4. Ad-hoc Bonus admissible under this order will be worked out on the basis of emoluments as admissible on 31.03.2016. For the employees drawing pay & allowances in the revised scale, the term ‘revised emoluments’ in this order will mean and include Pay in the Pay Band plus the Grade Pay in the revised pay structure and includes the Dearness Allowance but not include any other pay and other allowances, viz. HRA, Medical Allowance, Compensatory Allowance etc. For those who are drawing pay & allowances in the un-revised scale, the term ’emoluments’ will mean and include Basic Pay, Personal Pay, Special Pay, Dearness Pay, Dearness Allowance, Deputation(Duty) Allowance etc. but will not include allowances like HRA, Medical Allowance, Compensatory Allowance etc. For those who are drawing remuneration on contract basis, the term ‘revised emoluments’ will mean the consolidated contract pay drawn by them.
5. The charges will be debitable to the respective heads of accounts for Salary Grants of the concerned Universities, i.e. under “2202-03-102-NP-001 to 007 and 013 to 023 – V- 31-01” for the State aided Universities, “2203-00-102-NP-002-V-31-01” for Moulana Abul Kalam University of Technology and “2202-03-800-NP-004 & 014-V-31-01” for employees of the West Bengal State Council of Higher Education in the current year’s (2016-17) State Budget.
6. The disbursement of Ad-hoc Bonus sanctioned hereinabove should be made in case of Muslim employees by the 30th June, 2016 and in case of other employees such disbursement should be made between 21st September, 2016 and 29th September, 2016.
In case of failure, the disbursement should be made as early as possible before the festival of Id-Ul-Fitre/Durga Puja.
7. This Order issues in exercise of powers delegated under Finance Department’s Memo No. 3141-F(P2), Dt. 13.06.2016.
Sd/- P. Chatterjee
Assistant Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal