
Additional Austerity Measures for Combating COVID-19 (2nd wave)

Finance, 👁️ 341

To combat the situation arising out of the steep upsurge in the number of people affected by the disease, the State Government is currently required to incur heavy unforeseen expenditure.

Update: Extension of Validity of Memo No. 1971-F dated 30.06.2021

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch, Group – T
(E – 278443)

No:- 1971-F(Y) Dated, 30th June, 2021


Sub:- Additional austerity measures to be followed for combating the second wave of COVID19

Government of West Bengal has taken all necessary measures to combat the second wave of the pandemic COVID 19. To combat the situation arising out of the steep upsurge in the number of people affected by the disease, the State Government is currently required to incur heavy unforeseen expenditure.

A) Under such circumstances, in order to tackle the situation and in the interest of public service, the Governor is pleased to impose the following austerity measures, as was done earlier under Finance Department’s memo no. 1491-F(Y) dated 02.04.2020, in continuation of the economy circular issued under Finance Department’s memo no. 4201-F(P) dated 02.07.2018:-

  1. No purchase of vehicles, computers and IT related accessories, furniture, ACs, water coolers, TV, office equipments, etc will be allowed.
  2. In case any urgent purchase is necessary for utilization of the newly constructed public buildings, like schools, colleges, libraries, hospitals or any such institutions, prior permission of the Finance Department will be required.
  3. No expenditure on renovation, decoration, furnishing, etc. of office buildings including chambers of public officials will be allowed.
  4. There shall be no hiring of additional vehicles unless specifically sanctioned by the Finance Department.
  5. There shall be no recruitment/engagement of manpower unless approved by the Finance Department except the cases allowed vide F.D No. 1640-F(Y) dated 24.04.2020.
  6. Refreshment, etc. to be provided in the meetings shall have to be kept at bare minimum.
  7. All journeys should be made as per entitled class. Wherever air travel is permissible, it must be done in the Economy Class and not in Executive or Business Class.
  8. Withdrawal from GPF only for treatment, education and house building purposes and withdrawals in case of superannuation will be allowed.
  9. No payment for Motor Cycle Advance or Computer Advance is to be done.

B) Exceptions:-

However, the following items of expenditure will not come under the purview of this order:-

  1. All types of salary, wages and pension
  2. All types of social and welfare schemes like Kanyashree, Rupashree, Khadyasathi, Jay Bangla, Samajik Suraksha Yojona, Sikhsashree, Swasthya Sathi, Bangla Fasal Bima Yojana etc.
  3. All Centrally Sponsored and Central Sector Schemes including fund under 14th and 15th Finance Commission.
  4. All health matters related with control and combat of pandemic COVID-19, as may be approved by the Health and Family Welfare Department up to Rs. 10 Crore.

C) The Delegation of Financial power for sanction of new project/scheme and revision of existing project/scheme during the financial year 2021 – 22 will be as follows:-

(i) Works & UDMA Departments – Rs.1.5 Crore.
(ii) Other Departments – Rs. 30 Lakh.

All the above noted measures except (C) will be applicable to all State PSUs, Undertakings, Statutory Bodies, Autonomous institutions, Rural and Urban Local Bodies and all other Government aided institutions.

This memo issues in supersession of FD’s memo no 1491-F(Y) dated 02.04.2020, as extended from time to time and its modification vide memo no. 3566-F(Y) dated 21.12.2020.

This will take immediate effect and will remain valid up to 31.12.2021 or until further order.

Principal Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

No. 1971-F dated 30.06.2021, Source