
Admission to Masters of Computer Application Course, 2014-15

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Guidelines on Admission to Masters of Computer Application (MCA) Course, 2014-15 through State Common Entrance Examination i.e JECA-2014 as per AICTE norms mentioned in AICTE Approval process Handbook.


No. 375-Edn(T)/10M-74/09(Pt-I) Dated: Kolkata, the 12th August, 2014


Whereas, the West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations Board (WBJEEB) has been entrusted vide No. JS(T)-11/Edn(T) dt. 06.11.2013 to conduct the State Joint Entrance Examination, 2014 for admission to Masters of Computer Application (MCA) Course (JECA -2014) in the State of West Bengal in the academic session 2014-15;

And whereas the said Board has also been entrusted to conduct counselling and admission process in respect of Master of Computer Application (MCA) course in the academic session 2014-15;

And whereas for admission into the MCA programme, it is essential for the candidates to have appeared in the State Common Entrance Examination i.e JECA-2014 and to secure a rank, it has been decided by the State Government in the Higher Education Department to continue the admission process on the basis of the norms of the AICTE and other regulatory authorities, the following guidelines are prescribed for admission in the Master of Computer Application (MCA) course in the academic session 2014-15:-


1. Eligibility criteria for admission through JECA-2014 as per AICTE norms mentioned in AICTE Approval process Handbook, 2013-14

For admission in 3 years Masters in Computer Application Courses, the eligibility criteria are as follows:

a) Recognized Bachelor’s Degree of minimum three years duration with Mathematics at 10 + 2 level or at Graduation Level.

b) Obtained at least 50% marks (45% in case of candidate belonging to reserved category) at the qualifying Examination.

In addition to the above-mentioned basic eligibility criteria, any specific requirement of Institutes (Univ./ Univ. Departments and Self-financing Colleges if desired) may be communicated to the WBJEEB prior to preparation of seat-matrix of JECA-2014 for JECA counselling.

2. Management Quota

For Institutes opting for 10% of seats for admission through Management Quota for MCA Course, 90% of seats shall be available for admission through Joint Entrance Examination (JECA-2014). Institutes have to intimate their decision regarding Management Quota, whether opting it or not, to the Director of Technical Education, West Bengal in respect of academic year 2014-15 prior to JECA-2014 Counselling.

3. Freeship Scheme

Self-financing Institutes who have opted for admitting students under Management Quota shall have to provide Tuition Fee Waivers under the West Bengal Free-ship Scheme (WBFS) as contained in the Higher Education Department’s Order no. No. 270-Edn(T)/10M-70/2012, Dated, Kolkata, 20th June 2014 read with the Corrigendum Order No. 367-Edn(T)/10M-70/2012, dated, Kolkata, 1st August 2014.

4. Reservation Policy

a) Availability of seats for SC, ST and OBC (A & B) Category :

Reservation of seats for SC, ST and OBC(A & B) candidates shall be made as per the State Government Rules, in respect of all Government Engineering & Technology Colleges as well as State-aided University/University Departments following the Gazette Notification No. 07-Edn(U), dated the 2nd January, 2014 published in the Kolkata Gazette vide Registered No. WB/SC-247, dt. 3rd January, 2014, which is optional for the Self-financing Colleges. The institutes opting the reservation policy as guided by the State Government as mentioned above, have to inform the details of the seats including the reservation criteria to the Director of Technical Education, West Bengal for necessary reflection in the seat-matrix prior to JECA counselling.

b) Availability of seats for PWD (persons with Disability) Category students :

Reservation of seats for PWD candidates shall be made as per the State Government norms for all Government Engineering & Technology Colleges as well as State-aided Universities/University Departments following the Government order vide No. 65-Edn(U), dated 16.01.2014 i.e. persons with Disabilities will enjoy 3% reservation in each of the categories i.e. SC, ST, OBC-A and OBC-B Category of seats as well as in the unreserved category of seats, which is optional for the Selffinancing Colleges. The institutes opting this reservation policy for PWD as guided by the State Government as mentioned above, have to inform the details of the seats including the reservation criteria to the Director of Technical Education, West Bengal for necessary reflection in the seat-matrix prior to JECA counselling.

5. Decentralized Counselling for the JECA-2014

If seats remain vacant after JECA-2014 Counselling in different participating Institutes/Universities of the State offering MCA programme, the same will be opened for admission through decentralized counselling for JECA-2014, for qualified candidates who fulfil the following AICTE norms :

a) Recognized three years Bachelors Degree with Mathematics at 10 + 2 level or at Graduation level

b) 50% marks (45% marks for candidates belonging to reserved categories) at the qualifying examination.

The vacancy to be filled up by the participating Institutes under Decentralized counselling will be based on the vacancy position in every participating Institute after the completion of counselling process conducted by WBJEEB, and by publishing the vacancy position on their respective Notice Board and/or the website of the Institutes.

The participating Institutions shall post notice on their notice-boards and/or websites inviting applications from intending candidates for the said decentralized counselling and admit students on inter-se merit as per above stated guidelines.

The cut-off date for completion of decentralized counselling and admission at the respective participating institute level will have to be in accordance with the academic calendar of the concerned Affiliating University for the academic year 2014-15.

Sd/- Secretary
Higher Education Department
Government of West Bengal

No. 375-Edn dated 12.08.2014

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