You are advised not to conduct any examination in your school on 6th September, 2022 . In case, if such examination is already scheduled, then all concerned are advised to postpone the same.
Nivedita Bhavan, DJ-8, Sector-II, Salt Lake,Kolkata-700 091
NO: D.S(Aca)/377/A/25/3 Date: 02.09.2022
Advisory to all the Head of Institutions
The Finance (Audit) Department of Govt. of West Bengal vide memo no. 3351-F(P2), Dated 30.08.22 has declared the 6th September, 2022 as a Sectional holiday on account of “Karam Puja”.
The undersigned is directed to inform you that WBBSE had notified D.S(Aca)/287/A/25/3, Dated 17.06.2022 for the schools to hold 2nd Summative Evaluation within 29th August, 2022 to 8th September, 2022. You are advised not to conduct any examination in your school on 6th September, 2022 . In case, if such examination is already scheduled, then all concerned are advised to postpone the same and hold it on any other working date within the stipulated period as notified.
Deputy Secretary (Academic)
West Bengal Board of Secondary Education