All the Government-Run & Self Financed Elementary/ Primary Teacher Institutes of which three years term of affiliation is over, are requested to submit renewal fees of Rs. 25,000/-
West Bengal Board of Primary Education
Acharya Prafulla Chandra Bhavan
DK 7/1, Sector II, Bidhannagar, Kolkata 700091
No. 407/BPE/2016 Date: 05/04/2016
Whereas the NCTE in exercise of the power conferred upon it under clause 8(12) of the NCTE (Recognition, Norms & Procedure) Regulations, 2009, recognizes the West Bengal Board of Primary Education as the state authority for affiliating both the Government-Run & Self-financed Elementary/ Primary Teacher Training Institutes, including DIETs, in West Bengal.
And whereas, there upon, the Department of School Education, Government of West Bengal, in terms of their Gazette notification No. 1039-SE(Pry)/4P-14/04 dated the 23rd October, 2008, declares the WBBPE as the affiliating authority for both the Government-run & Self Financed Elementary/ Primary Teacher Institutes, including DIETs in West Bengal.
Therefore, the West Bengal Board of Primary Education, in exercise of the said authority, granted affiliation to both the Government-run & Self Financed Elementary/ Primary Teacher Institutes, including DIETs in West Bengal alongwith the terms & conditions to renew the affiliation after three years from the date of issue of affiliation certificate.
Now, I am directed to state that all the Government-Run & Self Financed Elementary/ Primary Teacher Institutes, those who have received affiliation for three years and such term of affiliation is over, are hereby requested to renew their affiliation against the renewal fees of Rs. 25,000/- (Rupees twenty five thousand) only to be deposited through Demand Draft drawn in favour of West Bengal Board of Primary Education from any Nationalized Bank on and from 15th April, 2016 to 31st May 2016 on any working days.
All concerned are informed accordingly.
Sd/- Dr. R. C. Bagchi