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Allotment of Classes in Integrated recognised Madrasahs

Madrasah Education, 👁️ 182

Any teacher of Higher Secondary Section or Fazil or Normal Section (classes V to X) in an integrated Madrasah is to take any classes from I to XII (or Fazil standard) as per routine.

West Bengal Board of Madrasah Education
‘Begum Rokaiya Bhavan’
19, Haji Md. Mohsin Square, Kolkata-16

Memo No. 004/ACA Date: 06.02.15


It is to state that some queries with regard to allotment of classes of teachers appointed for Higher classes in an integrated Madrasahs including Senior Madrasahs have been received. The West Bengal Board of Madrasah Education pleased to clarify the queries in the following manner:

Any teacher with approved requisite or Higher qualification shall have to take any classes in the routine allotted by the Academic Council e.g. any teacher of Higher Secondary Section or Fazil or Normal Section (classes V to X) in an integrated Madrasah is to take any classes from I to XII (or Fazil standard) and teacher shall take the classes according to that routine.

This circular is issued in the line of para 4 of 190-EDN H.S dated 05.12.1979 of School Education Department.

Sd/- Secretary
West Bengal Board of Madrasah Education

No. 004/ACA dated 06.02.2015