School Education, B. Ed , Deputation
Allow all untrained teachers of class V to XII of the Junior High/High/Higher Secondary Schools having requisite qualification for admission in B. Ed. course on deputation.
Government of West Bengal
Directorate of School Education
Bikash Bhavan, 7th Floor, Salt Lake, Kolkata – 700 001
Memo No: 920/(24)-GA/OM/4/2011 (Pt) Date: 19.07.2016
From: The Commissioner of School Education, West Bengal
Bikash Bhawan, 7th Floor, Salt Lake, Kolkata – 700091
To: The District Inspector of Schools (SE), ……………… (all District) ………………….
Sub: Deputation of Teachers of recognised non-Govt. Aided Secondary and Higher Secondary Schools to B. Ed. Course.
Ref. Memo no 861-SE/S dated 04.07.2016 issued by the Secretary, School Education Department, West Bengal and memo no 860/1(4)-SE/S dated 04.07.2016 issued by Joint Secretary, School Education Department, West Bengal
In terms of memo no 301-Edn(CS) dated 14.03.2015 issued by the Higher Education Department, West Bengal, seats were reserved in the Training Colleges/ respective Department of the Universities for untrained deputed teachers of classes IX to XII of the Secondary/ Higher Secondary schools. So the untrained teachers of class V to VIII of junior high schools were not allowed to get admission in B. Ed Training course on deputation. Besides, in terms of paragraph 1 of G.O. no. 982/Sc/G dated 07.03.1979; restriction was imposed to depute more than two approved teachers in an academic session in training course. As a result, a good number of untrained teachers have been facing difficulties to undergo respective training courses in time.
The issue has been considered by the Government and it has been decided that all the untrained teachers of class V to XII of Junior High/ High/ Higher Secondary Schools will get the opportunity to be trained as deputed teachers in the Training Colleges/ respective Department of the Universities and also relaxation has been allowed to the effect that the School Managing Committee will allow, if situation occurs, more than two untrained teachers, not above the age of 55 years as on 30th June of the year having rendered at least two years continuous and satisfactory service against a permanent post or three years continuous and satisfactory service against an additional post created temporarily, at a time from the school for undergoing training on deputation. In such situation, the school authority may appoint more than two teachers, if situation demands, against deputation vacancy following the G.O. No 605-SE(S) dated 20.06.2006.
So, all the District Inspector of Schools (SE) are hereby requested to direct the school authorities to allow all untrained teachers of class V to XII of the Junior High/High/Higher Secondary Schools having requisite qualification for admission in B. Ed. course on deputation and in this regard the District Inspector of Schools (SE) will issue necessary certificate as may be asked by the Higher Education Department/ Universities/ Colleges.
This is issued in partial modification of provisions made earlier in this respect. This has immediate effect.
Commissioner of School Education, West Bengal