
Amanuensis (Writer, Extra Time etc.) during Higher Secondary Examination, 2022

Higher Secondary Education, , 👁️ 695

CWSN student(s) may apply for amanuensis (Writer, Extra time etc.) to the concerned Regional Deputy Secretary through the Head of the Institution along with the following documents for the ensuing Higher Secondary Examination, 2022/ Annual Examination of Class-XI, 2022.

West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education
Vidyasagar Bhavan
9/2, Block DJ, Sector-II, Salt Lake, Kolkata – 91

No: L/SECY/15/2022 Date: 23/02/2022


I am directed to notify that the CWSN student(s) may apply for amanuensis (Writer, Extra time etc.) to the concerned Regional Deputy Secretary through the Head of the Institution along with the following documents for the ensuing Higher Secondary Examination, 2022/ Annual Examination of Class-XI, 2022.

Documents needed for Writer

  1. Attested photocopy of Admit Card.
  2. Passport size photo of the applicant (4 copies) and the writer (4 copies).
  3. Attested photocopy of Disability Certificate issued by Government Hospital.
  4. Educational qualifications of the writer should not exceed Class-XI/ Class-X. The qualification should be authenticated by the Head of the Institution.
  5. Attested photocopy of permission letter issued by WBBSE, if any.

Documents needed for Extra time

  1. Photo copy of Admit Card.
  2. Two copies of passport size photo of the applicant.
  3. Attested photocopy of Disability Certificate issued by Government Hospital.
  4. Attested photocopy of permission letter issued by WBBSE, if any.

The application should contain the Centre Name, Centre Code and Mobile Number of the applicant.

W.B. Council of H.S. Education

No. L-Secy-15 dated 23.02.2022, Source

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