
Annual Academic Calendar of Madrasah for Session, 2015

Madrasah Education, 👁️ 175

Annual academic calendar for the academic session-2015 of all types of recognised Madrasahs has been prepared for smooth functioning of day to day academic activities of madrasahs.

West Bengal Board of Madrasah Education
Begum Rokaiya Bhavan
19, Haji Md. Mohsin Square, Kolkata-16

Memo No. 1456/Aca/14 Date: 02/12/2014

From: The Secretary
West Bengal Board of Madrasah Education

To: The Heads/Superintendents/ TICs of all types of recognized Madrasahs

Sub: Annual Academic Calendar for the Academic Session 2015

Sir/ Madam,

I am directed to inform you that the annual academic calendar for the academic session-2015 of all types of recognised Madrasahs has been prepared for smooth functioning of day to day academic activities of madrasahs.

You are requested to implement this Annual Academic Calendar for the Academic Session 2015.

Your cooperation for effective implementation of this calendar will be highly appreciated.

Sd/- Syed Nurus Salam
West Bengal Board of Madrasah Education

Annual Academic Calendar-2015

(1) Academic Session:

01 January, 2015 to 31 December, 2015

The Session will be divided into three (3) Terms as follows:

i) First Term: 01 January 2015 to 18 April 2015 (including 1st Summative Evaluation)
ii) Second Term: 19 April, 2015 to 16 August,2015 (including 2nd Summative Evaluation)
iii) Third Term: 17 August, 2015 to 31 December, 2015 (including 3rd Summative Evaluation, Preparation of Report Card etc.)

(2) Timings of Madrasah hours:

Monday to Friday: 10.35 a.m. to 4.30 p.m.
Saturday: 10.35 a.m. to 2.00 p.m.

(3) Daily Assembly:

Daily Assembly shall start at 10 (ten) minutes before class teaching i.e. at 10.40 a.m.
Attendance in daily assembly shall be compulsory for all teaching and non-teaching staff including the Head of the Madrasah/TIC.

(4) Attendance:

Head of the Madrasah and all teaching & non-teaching staff except Group ‘D’ staff of the Madrasah shall attend the Madrasah within the appointed hour (10.35 a.m.) and not leave before the Madrasah closes for the day. The Group ‘D’ staff shall attend the Madrasah within 10.15 a.m. and not leave before the Madrasah closes for the day. The appointed hour of the Madrasah shall be 15 (fifteen) minutes before the commencement of the class teaching i.e. at 10.35 a.m.

(5) Late Attendance:

Late attendance shall be counted for all teaching & non-teaching staff except Group ‘D’ staff of the Madrasah from the start of class teaching i.e. 10.50 a.m. up to twenty five minutes from appointed hour i.e. up to 11.00 a.m. Late attendance shall be counted for Group D staff from 10.40 a.m. up to 11.00 a.m. & no teaching and non-teaching staff including Head of the Madrasah/TIC will be allowed to record his/her attendance after 11.00 a.m. However, in very special circumstances, Head of the Madrasah/TIC (In case of teacher & non-teaching staff) or Secretary/Administrator (in case of Head of the Madrasah/TIC) may condone such late attendance of the staff, if the said authority is satisfied with the explanation offered by the employee. One day’s casual leave will be deducted for every three days late attendance in a calendar month. In case the casual leave account of the staff is exhausted and the incumbent concerned comes late, he/she shall be asked to apply for one day’s “Half average pay” leave for each three day’s late attendance in a calendar month. If he/she fails or declines to apply for such leave or if there is no such leave in his/her credit then he/she will be granted “Leave without pay” leave for each three day’s late attendance in a calendar month.

(6) Tiffin or Recess:

40 minutes shall be earmarked for Tiffin or Recess from Monday to Thursday. 60 minutes shall be allotted for Recess/ Zum’a for Friday.

(7) All academic works/ activities including seminar, workshop, meeting etc. conducted by the Board and other duties relating to the improvement of Madrasah Education should be treated as urgent and fall within the bounden duties and functions of a Teacher/ Head of the Madrasah/TIC serving in a Madrasah. All Teachers must take classes allotted to them regularly and they must come to their classes in time. No teacher shall refuse the class of an absent colleague if allotted by Head of the Madrasah/TIC. The Head of the Madrasah shall take at least 10 classes per week. All teaching and non-teaching staff including Head of the Madrasah are required to participate in all cultural functions, Annual Sports and all co-scholastic activities.

(8) Parent-Teacher Meet:

The Madrasah shall arrange for holding parent-teacher meet at least twice in a year. All Madrasah Authorities are encouraged to form Mother-Teacher Association to stop drop-out and to enhance quality of Education.

(9) Term wise distribution of working days:

(10) Distribution of Periods:

An academic week (Monday to Saturday) shall consist of 44 periods with 40 to 35 minutes duration each. The distribution of periods per day in a week and weekly class routine for Junior High, High and Senior Madrasah will be as follows:





In case of classes IX & X earlier system of CCE and Annual Academic calendar will be followed until further order.


In case of classes IX & X earlier system of CCE and Annual Academic calendar will be followed until further order.

(11) Evaluation System:

The Continuous & Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) system developed by the ‘Expert Committee’ of Government of West Bengal under school Education Department in the year 2013 with partial modification has already been adopted for all types of recognized madrasahs from the academic year 2013. The all round development of the learners will be observed and recorded continuously throughout the year through Formative (diagnostic) and Summative (judge mental) evaluation. The schedule of Summative Evaluation will be as under:

TermExpected Date
First10 April to 18 April, 2015
Second10 August to 14 August, 2015
Third26 November to 08 December, 2015


Timings of Madrasah hours

TimePeriodTime per Period
10-35 HoursAppointed hour
10-40 Hours10-50 HoursPrayer/Assembly
10-50 Hoursstart of class- teaching
10-50 Hours11-00 HoursLate Attendance (Except Group D staff)
10-40 Hours11-00 HoursLate Attendance (Group D staff only)
After 11-00 HoursNo attendance of staff is allowed (vide item [5])
10-50 Hours13-30 Hours1st,2nd, 3rd, 4th Period40 Mins x4= 2 hours 40 Mins
13-30 Hours14-10 HoursRecess40 Mins
12-10 Hours13-10 HoursRecess for Friday1 Hour
14-10 Hours16-30 Hours5th, 6th, 7th, 8th Period35 Mins x 4 = 2 Hours 20 Mins

Total Madrasah hours per academic week = 32.8 hours Total Learning-Teaching hours (including recess) per academic week = 31.3 hours (1) Working days & working hours in the academic year

365 days Less 52 days (Sundays)
Less 65 days (holidays)
248 days i.e. 41.33 academic weeks
Total Madrasah hours per academic year = (41.33X32.8) Hrs.= 1355.62 Hours
Total Learning-Teaching weeks: 34.66
Total Learning-Teaching hours per academic year =(34.66X31.3) Hrs.= 1084.86 Hours

Prayer/ assembly*

The following programme may be followed for daily assembly/ prayer:

a) assembly of students & teachers ( section wise): 1.5minutes

b) observance of silence: 0.5 minutes

c) prayer song: 1.5 minutes

d) announcement of important daily NEWS by the student/teacher: 1 minutes

e) instruction to students by HM/Superintendent/TIC/AHM: 1 minutes

f) orderly dispersal in lines to respective classes following the class teacher/monitor: 4.5 minutes

Sd/- Syed Nurus Salam
West Bengal Board of Madrasah Education

No. 1456/Aca dated 02.12.2014

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