
Application for Registration at DIET/ PTTI

School Education,

Collect the Application Forms for Registration upon deposit of Bank Demand Draft (Payable at Kolkata) of Rs. 500/- (Rupees five hundred) only per student.

West Bengal Board of Primary Education
Acharya Prafulla Chandra Bhavan
DK-7/1, Sector-II, Salt Lake City, Kolkata 700 091

No. 212/BPE/2013, Dated: 11.02.2013


As directed by the President, West Bengal Board of Primary Education I am to inform all the DIETs, Government, Government Sponsored, Government Aided and Self Financed Private Primary Teachers’ Training Institutes to collect the Application Forms for Registration of the Students for the Session 2012-2014 on deposit of Bank Demand Draft (Payable at Kolkata) of Rs. 500/- (Rupees five hundred) only per student from any Nationalized Bank in the name of West Bengal Board of Primary Education.

The last date of submission of Application Form for Registration is 28th February, 2013.

Sd/- Dr. R. C. Bagchi
W.B. Board of Primary Education

No. 212/BPE dated 11.02.2013

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