Environment, Air Pollution , Sound Pollution
Only green crackers can be sold and bursting of such crackers shall be allowed for (i) two hours during Deepawali (ii) two hours during Chatt Puja (iii) 35 minutes during Christmas and New years’ eve.
Government of West Bengal
Department of Environment
West Bengal Pollution Control Board
Paribesh Bhawan, Bldg. No. 10A, Block LA, Sector III
Salt Lake City, Kolkata – 700 106
Memo No. 321-3L/WPB-E(VI)/2020 Dated: 26/10/2021
Sub: Directions under Section 31(A) of Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 & Rules made therein under, orders of Hon’ble Supreme Court of India vide judgement dated 23.10.2018 in W.P (C) No. 728 of 2015 and directives of Hon’ble National Green Tribunal in O.A. No. 249/2020 dated 09.11.2020 and 01.12.2020.
In compliance with the Hon’ble Supreme Court orders vide judgement dated 23.10.2018 in W.P (C) No. 728 of 2015, directions of the Hon’ble National Green Tribunal in original Application No. 249/2020 dated 09.11.2020 [Para 48(v)], dated 01.12.2020 [Para 32 (i, ii & iii)] and also considering the fact that the bursting of fire crackers releases harmful chemicals, having severe impact on the respiratory health of vulnerable groups and the fact that such pollutants aggravate health conditions of COVID-19 positive persons and persons staying in home isolation and considering the latest assessment of the Air Quality across the State of West Bengal showing that the Air Quality of the districts and Kolkata is moderate/ satisfactory level till 3rd week of October, 2021.
Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred under Section 31(A) of Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 and Rules made therein under and keeping in view the need of public interest to curb high air pollution, West Bengal Pollution Control Board hereby directs as under-
The District Magistrates and Commissioners of Police/ Superintendents of Police shall implement the aforesaid directions. Daily action taken report is to be submitted to West Bengal Pollution Control Board in the prescribed proforma.
Sd/- Roshni Sen, IAS
Member Secretary
West Bengal Pollution Control Board