
Observation of Book Day on 2nd January, 2016 in Schools

School Education,

All Government, Government sponsored and Non-Government aided schools should be instructed to distribute books supplied by the Government free of cost to the students on 2nd January, 2016.

Government of West Bengal
School Education Department
Bikash Bhavan, Bidhannagar
Kolkata-700 091

No. 746(43)-SSE/15 Dated, Kolkata, the 9th December, 2015

From: Arnab Roy,
Principal Secretary to the Government of West Bengal

To: 1. District Inspector of Schools (Secondary Education) …………….. (all)

2. District Inspector of Schools (Primary Education) ……………. (all)

Sub: Book Day – 2016.

Sir/ Madam,

As you are aware Book Day is observed on 2nd January every year. Like in previous year ‘Book Day’ should also be observed on 2nd January, 2016 in all schools in your jurisdiction. All Government, Government sponsored and Non-Government aided schools should be instructed to distribute books supplied by the Government free of cost to the students on 2nd January, 2016. Prior to that day it may be ensured that all schools have received adequate books for the distribution. Any problem in the matter should immediately be brought to the notice of Commissioner of School Education and OSD & E.O. Spl. Secy. of this Deptt (Shri T.K.Adhikari)

Yours faithfully,

Sd/- Arnab Roy
Pr. Secy. to the Govt. of West Bengal

No. 746-SSE dated 09.12.2015

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