Cadre Schedule of WBA&AS Officers, 2016
Several new posts have been created in the cadre of WBA&AS and incorporation of these posts into the Cadre Schedule of WBA&AS in 2016 is expedient.
Several new posts have been created in the cadre of WBA&AS and incorporation of these posts into the Cadre Schedule of WBA&AS in 2016 is expedient.
Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch, WBA&AS Cell
Writers’ Buildings, Kolkata-700001
No. 548-F(Y)/WB Dated: 12.02.2016
The issue of review of Cadre Schedule of West Bengal Audit & Accounts Service Officers in terms of Rule 5 of the West Bengal Audit & Accounts Service Cadre Rules, 1999 published under this Department Notification No. 9511-F dated 5th October, 1999 has been under active contemplation of the Government for some time past. The last cadres schedule in respect of WBA&AS an officer was published vide this Department Notification No. 1718-F(Y) dated 8th March, 2010.
1. Since the publication of last cadre schedule in 2010, there has been several significant policy decisions taken by the state government in bringing in reforms in the functioning of Finance and other Departments. Accordingly, several new posts have been created in the cadre of WBA&AS and incorporation of these posts into the Cadre Schedule of WBA&AS is expedient in the interest of smooth administration.
2. Further, gradation of different posts borne in the cadre of WBA&AS had been notified vide G.O. No. 4654-F, dated 14 May 2001. To ensure appropriate allocation & deployment of cadre resources revision of assignment of grades in respect of each post in the cadre of WBA&AS is necessary to streamline management of WBA&AS cadre.
3. In the above scenario the Governor is pleased to re-fix the cadre strength & revise the cadre schedule in respect of WBA&AS cadre along with gradation of posts borne in the same cadre as shown in the Annexure to this notification.
4. This notification supersedes all other notification issued earlier in this respect.
5. This has the approval of the State Cabinet vide Cab (D) 2532, dated 29th January, 2016.
Enclo: Annexure
By order of the Governor
Sd/- H K Dwivedi
Principal Secretary to the
Govt. of West Bengal