
Calibration of Taxi Meter – Time Extension

Transport, 👁️ 160

All metered taxis plying in KMA shall undertake the process of calibration so that the actual fare is computed, displayed and printed receipts are handed over to the passenger positively within 30.06.2014.

Government of West Bengal
Transport Department
Paribahan Bhawan
12, R.N. Mukherjee Road, Kolkata- 700 001

No. 1725-WT/8S-56/2010 Date- 25.04.2014


Whereas, the Governor had been pleased to direct vide notification no 3561-WT/8S-56/2010 dated 24/09/2013, that, all metered taxis plying in KMA shall undertake the process of calibration so that the actual fare is computed, displayed and printed receipts are handed over to the passenger positively and thereby directed the concerned Registering Authorities to take necessary steps to that effect and complete the process within three months process was from the date of issue of the notification; and,

Whereas, the Governor was further pleased to extend such time limit by another three months with effect from 24/12/2013 vide notification no 4645-WT/8S-56/2010 date- 23/12/2013; and,

Whereas, the last date for such recalibration expired on 23/03/2014; and,

Whereas, several representations have been received by the State Government for further extension of time for such recalibration of taxi meters for the benefit of those operators who defaulted on earlier occasions and could not avail the opportunity,

Now therefore, the Governor has been pleased to extend the time limit from 21/04/2014 to 30/06/2014 with fine as this is a case of violation of permit condition. Fines as admissible under section 192A of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 for contravention of permit condition shall be realised from the permit holder in each case.

Joint Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

No. 1725-WT dated 25.04.2014