
Capital Grant to Govt. Aided Schools

School Education,

To apply for capital grant to govt. aided schools, a detailed statement on existing number of class room, condition of school building with photographs, details of power supply, availability of furniture, laboratory, library, student strength status of the school, along with the audited report of the school’s accounts for last 5 year.

Government of West Bengal
School Education Department
Planning & Budget Branch
Bikash Bhavan, Salt Lake, Kolkata – 700091

No. 238-SE(P&B)/20M-18/2011 (Pt.-I), Dated: 28.05.2012

From: Sri G.P. Sen, Officer-on-Special Duty & Ex. Officio Deputy Secretary.

To: Commissioner, School Education, West Bengal.

Sub: Capital Grant.

The undersigned is directed to say that the Government has been receiving a number of applications from different schools for grants in respect of Building, Library, Laboratory, Furniture & instruments in the form of capital grant.

After consideration of financial resources, it will be decided to provide a limited/ admissible capital grant after proper examination & justification of the prayer.

The applicant institution will submit their prayer to the concerned District Inspector of Schools (Secondary Education) with detailed statement on existing number of class room, condition of school building with photographs, details of power supply, availability of furniture, laboratory, library, student strength status of the school, along with the audited report of the school’s accounts for last 5 year or since the establishment of school whichever is less. Reflection of funds received from MPLAD, MLALAD, SSM etc. must be shown in the audited report. Sanctioned plan with estimated cost of construction duly vetted by competent authority will have to be submitted with the prayer.

Having received the application, concerned D.I. of Schools (Secondary Education) will cause an enquiry on the status, existing condition, requirement for additional construction, reserve fund, student strength, audited report of the school and will send the prayer to the Commissioner of School Education, West Bengal with proper Justification and recommendation. There after the Commissioner, School Education, West Bengal will prepare a detailed district wise list as received from District Inspector of Schools (Secondary Education) and send it to School Education Department with specific recommendation.

After receiving the list of schools with enclosures School Education Department will justify the overall reports and may release the fund at the disposal of C.S.E. after approval of the authority according to the availability of fund. Subsequently the C.S.E. will release the fund to the School and collect the utilization certificates from School Authority accordingly,

Sd/- G.P. Sen
OSD & Ex-Officio Deputy Secretary

No. 238-SE dated 28.05.2012