CCRT Workshop at KV Barrackpore (Army)
A three day workshop on “Cultural Education and CCRT Role” is going to take place at K.V. Barrack pore (Army) from Feb. 8 to Feb. 10, 2014.
The workshop is specially held for a group of enterprising teachers who will be given preliminary briefing on the role of CCRT in grooming teachers to preserve our rich cultural heritage by linking education with culture.
In this respect the teachers who fulfill the following formalities can apply
- below 48 years
- Subject teachers of H.S. Schools teaching classes viii-xii,Art,Music are also allowed
- no games teachers,S.U.P.W.,librarians and H.M.S allowed
- no teachers who or any of his colleagues in the present institution ever attended any of the CCRT workshops or trainings etc. are allowed
- good communication in English,as lectures will be in English and some times in Hindi.
After this workshop the teachers will have to attend a 18 to 22 day Orientation Course in New Delhi or Udaipur or Hydrabad anytime during a span of one year, depending on the convenience of the authorities.
Sub-division wise quota for selected teachers is as follows
- Krishnagar (I &II) – 08
- Ranaghat – 05
- Kalyani – 04
- Tehatta – 03
Willing enterprising teachers are requested to contact Sri Subhas Mukherjee (A.T), Rambux Chettangia High School, Ukilpara, Krishnagar, Nadia, 741101, Mob.09434823744 from 11 am to 4 pm within 24 January 2014 with their brief introduction of educational and cultural background. Selected teachers will be informed by the first week of Feb, 2014.
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