Centre Committee for High Madrasah, Alim & Fazil Exam, 2019
Madrasah Education, Alim , Examination , Fazil , High Madrasah 👁️ 109
As per Examination Provision, a Centre Committee has been formed, for smooth conduct of the ensuing High Madrasah, Alim and Fazil Examination – 2019. The Members of that Committee are as follows:WEST BENGAL BOARD OF MADRASAH EDUCATION
19, Haji Md. Mohsin Square, Kolkata – 700 016.
Circular No: 025/E Date: 22.01.2019
As per Examination Provision, a Centre Committee has been formed, for smooth conduct of the ensuing High Madrasah, Alim and Fazil Examination – 2019. The Members of that Committee are as follows:
1 | The Block Development Officer/ Sub-Divisional Officer (in case of municipality) | Ex-Officio Chairman |
2 | Centre Superintendent | Member |
3 | Head of the Institution of the Centre | Ex-Officio Member Secretary |
4 | Custodian of Confidential Papers (Office-in-Charge of concerned Police Station) | Member |
5 | Headmaster(s) or Superintendent(s) or T.I.C. of Participating Madrasahs | Members |
All concerned BDOs/ SDO’s (in case of municipality) are requested to take necessary action for smooth conduct of the said Examination.
Sd/- Secretary
West Bengal Board of Madrasah Education