Higher Education, PTT , State Aided College Teacher
Part Time Teachers and Guest Teachers having qualification for being appointed as teachers in the colleges as prescribed by the UGC/ AICTE, as applicable and as followed by the West Bengal Public Service Commission, will be renamed as State Aided College Teacher.
Government of West Bengal
Higher Education Department
(Technical Branch)
Bikash Bhavan, Salt Lake, Kolkata – 700 091
No. 31-Edn(T)/EH/O/CS/4A-57/2019 Date: 22.01.2021
The matter of restructuring of service conditions and other benefits for Government approved Part Time Teachers (PTTs) and Guest Teachers (GTs), in any nomenclature, engaged in different Government Engineering & Technological Colleges in the State of West Bengal up to 13.07.2019, was under active consideration of the State Government for sometimes past. After careful consideration of the matter, the Governor is hereby pleased, in supersession of all previous orders in this regard, to restructure the service conditions along with the change of nomenclature of the aforesaid category of teachers commensurate with their qualifications and period of service rendered in the following manner:-
1. Part Time Teachers and Guest Teachers having qualification for being appointed as teachers in the colleges as prescribed by the University Grants Commission (UGC)/ All India Council For Technical Education (AICTE), as applicable and as followed by the West Bengal Public Service Commission, on the date of issuance of this order, will be renamed as State Aided College Teacher, Category-I, and will be entitled for the following remuneration:
a. Rs. 31,000/- (consolidated) per month for those served the college less than 10 years;
b. Rs. 35,000/-(consolidated) per month for those served the college more than 10 years;
2. Part Time Teachers and Guest Teachers donβt having qualifications for being appointed as teachers in the colleges as prescribed by the University Grants Commission (UGC)/ All India Council For Technical Education (AICTE), as applicable and as followed by the West Bengal Public Service Commission, on the date of issuance of this order, will be renamed as State Aided College Teacher, Category-II and will be entitled for the following remuneration:
c. Rs. 20,000/- (consolidated) per month for those served the college less than 10 years;
d. Rs. 25,000/- (consolidated) per month for those served the college more than 10 years;
3. Remuneration of existing Government approved PTTs who are getting higher remuneration at present, shall be protected.
4. Remuneration of above mentioned category of teachers will be enhanced @ 3% of the total remuneration per year on 1st July of every year.
5. Such category of teachers will be entitled for Rs. 5.00 Lakh (Five Lakh) only on attaining the age of 60 years, provided the teacher concerned has rendered service for a period not less than 10 years.
6. State Aided College Teacher, Category-II, on acquirement of UGC/ AICTE, as applicable, qualifications subsequently will be considered as State Aided College Teacher, Category-I with effect from the date of acquiring such qualification, subject to the approval of Director of Technical Education, West Bengal.
7. General conditions in respect of approval of all the State Aided College Teachers mentioned above:-
I. Fresh letter of engagement will be issued by the college authority to all category of teachers mentioned hereinabove after obtaining approval of the Director of Technical Education, West Bengal.
II. Notional vacancies are to be created to accommodate all State Aided College Teachers who are engaged as per 7(I) above and these posts would be treated as personal and supernumerary ones.
III. Both the above two category of teachers ( i.e., State Aided College Teacher, Category-I & Category-II) will be allowed to continue their engagement till they attain the age of 60 years. However, service of any particular teacher of above categories may be terminated by the Governing Body, with the approval of the State Government for non-performance, incapacitation, delinquency, misconduct, involvement in any criminal case or any other culpable offence, in such manner as may be prescribed by the State Government.
IV. The above category of teachers will be required to take classes, along with works related to examination etc, as per the following schedule:-
a. State Aided College Teacher, Category-I: 15 hours per week.
b. State Aided College Teacher, Category-II: 15 hours per week.
V. The benefit of this Order shall be allowed to the Part Time Teachers and Guest Teachers who were engaged in the college on or before 13.07.2019.
VI. If required, the above category of teachers may be deployed in any other Govt. Engineering Colleges in the interest of public service.
VII. The financial benefit will however, be effective from the 1st day of January, 2020.
This order is issued with the concurrence of Finance Department, Vide their U.O. No. Group P2/2020-2021/0617, Dated, 08.01.2021.
By order of the Governor,
Sd/- Deputy Secretary