
School Hours from Day to Morning in June, 2013

School Education, 👁️ 177

Due to severe heat wave in Dakshin Dinajpur District, the students of all secondary schools are facing tremendous problem to participate in their academic programme during day time. So, all School including Madrasahs of this district will remain open in morning time till 29.6.2013.

Government of West Bengal
Office of the District inspector of Schools (SE)
Dakshin Dinajpur, P.O. Beltala Park, Dist. Dakshin Dinajpur

Memo No. 1000 Dated: 17.06.2013


Due to severe heat wave in Dakshin Dinajpur District, the students of all secondary schools are facing tremendous problem to participate in their academic programme during day time. Considering the gravity of the matter and as per direction of the Hon’ble District Magistrate, Dakshin Dinajpur, all School including Madrasahs of this district will remain open in morning time instead of day time till 29.6.2013.

The programme in respect of election matter which is being scheduled to be held in school premises will remain unaltered. This order will take immediate effect.

District Inspector of Schools (SE)
Dakshin Dinajpur

No. 1000 dated 17.06.2013

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